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Cracow. Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski dismissed from the jury of the Cracoviae Merenti medal

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By the decision of the councilors, after stormy deliberations, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Krakow, Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski, will no longer sit on the chapter of the Cracoviae Merenti medal, awarded for special services to Krakow. His place will be taken by the director of the National Museum in Krakow.

Representatives of the New Left demanded the metropolitan's dismissal. The reason, as they argued, were the Archbishop's statements and actions. Marek Jędraszewski. But – as they emphasized – the point is to exclude the function of metropolitan from the chapter's composition, which means that Jędraszewski's successors will not sit in this body either.

23 votes were cast in favor of the resolution (Left Wing, almost all councilors of KO and Krakow for Residents), 16 against (councillors PIS and individual councilors of KO and Krakow for Residents). Three councilors abstained from voting.

So far, in addition to the metropolitan, the mayor of the city and the rector of the Jagiellonian University also sat on the medal's jury.

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“Ensuring the commission's neutrality in matters of religion”

In the justification for the resolution, Left councilors wrote that the change in the composition of the commission is intended to “ensure the neutrality of the commission in matters of religion.” As they argued, it's not about personalities, but about function. However, the discussion during the session came down to the Archbishop. Jędraszewski.

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PiS councilors opposing the resolution submitted an amendment to the New Left project, but it was rejected. The amendment assumed the dismissal of the mayor of Krakow's medal from the jury and replacing it with the director of the National Museum in Krakow. PiS councilors argued that if Left councilors want the committee's composition to be religiously neutral, then let there be political neutrality, and President Aleksander Miszalski belongs to the Civic Platform.

Reporting on the draft resolution dismissing Metropolitan Grzegorz Garboliński (New Left) said that he was personally affected by the words of the archbishop. Jędraszewski. In his opinion, excluding the metropolitan will be “a belated justice for those wronged by him.” The councilor cited the need to separate the state from the Church as the main reason for changing the composition of the chapter. He criticized Jędraszewski, among others. that due to his opposition, the medal did not go to “Tygodnik Powszechny”, and also that he dismissed women from the curia who raised children without husbands, and that he celebrated for the president of PiS Jarosław Kaczyński masses at Wawel, that it discriminates against people LGBTthat he covered up the archbishop's behavior. Juliusz Paetz, accused of molestation.

– Secularity, secularity and once again secularity – emphasized Małgorzata Potocka (New Left), assessing that society expects the separation of Church and state.

READ: Archbishop Jędraszewski is still metropolitan. “There are few bishops who are suitable.”

PiS councilors outraged

Councilor Michał Drewnicki (PiS) accused the New Left of “lack of ideas for activity.” As he argued, excluding the metropolitan would be discrimination against Catholics, a significant part of society.

– Since you are calling for religious neutrality, if you want to demonstrate coherence in your thinking, I hope that you will support the amendment in the spirit of political correctness – an amendment removing from the chapter the president (…) who promotes one political option – Drewnicki said to the councilors of the Left. .

Another PiS councilor, Michał Ciechowski, described the New Left's move as political chutzpah, because the ministry of Archbishop Jędraszewski's term as metropolitan of Krakow is coming to an end, and if the Left wanted a “new opening”, it would wait until there is a change of metropolitan in Krakow. At this point – according to the councilor – excluding the metropolitan would contribute to the division of society.

– The fact that the draft resolution is a personal attack on the archbishop is obvious. The argument of the secular nature of the state – I want to warn you: if the resolution is adopted, it will have a wide echo throughout Poland. The election campaign is underway. Rafał Trzaskowski He has already raised his hand to the cross and is now withdrawing from it, commented Agnieszka Paderewska (PiS).

The Mayor of Krakow did not express an opinion on the resolution, concluding that as the president of all Krakow's inhabitants, he would not influence the resolution with his private assessment and left the issue to the city council to decide.

Opinions were divided among the councilors of the KO and Krakow for Residents of Łukasz Gibała clubs.

Zbigniew Kożuch (KO) said that if the resolution excluded Jędraszewski, he would be in favor of it, but he is not in favor of excluding the function of metropolitan. As he recalled, the bishopric in Krakow has a thousand-year tradition, and the composition of the chapter reflects the current state of society.

According to Grzegorz Wojciech Stawowy (KO), “Jędraszewski did a lot wrong”, but he cannot imagine voting for the resolution. Iwona Chamielec (KO) also opposed supporting the resolution in this form. As she noted, she does not agree with the content preached by Jędraszewski, but the metropolitan's seat in the chapter is part of the tradition and respect resulting from Christian roots. Chamielec abstained from voting during the vote.

Bartłomiej Kocurek (KO) assessed that “if hell exists, Mr. Jędraszewski will be there” and maybe now is “a good moment to cleanse (…) and not repeat history that such a fundamentalist will have an influence on who receives the medal Cracoviae Merenti”. But at the same time, the councilor had doubts as to whether the position of director of the National Museum was really appropriate to take the place of the metropolitan.

– If there are any reservations about this person (Jędraszewski), an application could have been submitted to the Church (to delegate someone else to the chapter) – said Łukasz Maślona (Kraków for Residents) and pointed out that the awarding of the medal is ultimately decided by the city council upon a request chapter. Maślona abstained from voting.

Aleksandra Owca (Kraków for Residents), who supported the resolution, said: – I cannot imagine that choosing the most empathetic person as the next bishop in Krakow would have an impact on a badge that has a public, secular character.

To convince the city council to support the resolution, MP Dominik Jaśkowiec (PO) and Małgorzata Boroń, a resident who participated in anti-government demonstrations, came to the city council session.

One of the most important distinctions

– This person (Jędraszewski) accumulates the vices of the Polish Church – said Jaśkowiec, adding, among other things, that the Cracoviae Merenti medal is one of the most important distinctions that the government of the Republic of Poland awards to people.

– Nobody has the right to discriminate against another person. I demand respect for LGBT people and women. This (the metropolitan's seat on the medal's jury) is a disgrace to the royal city of Krakow, argued Małgorzata Boroń.

Archbishop Jędraszewski is of retirement age, he turned 75 on July 24, and a month earlier he donated Pope Francis resignation from the office of Metropolitan of Krakow. He still holds his dignity because Vatican he has not yet named his successor.

It was another, this time effective, attempt to exclude Archbishop. Jędraszewski from the Cracoviae Merenti medal jury. Earlier, in 2019, the then chairman of the Krakow City Council, Dominik Jaśkowiec, demanded this. The majority of councilors, as well as the then mayor of the city, Jacek Majchrowski, rejected this idea, judging it to be a political action. The then mayor of the city also pointed out that the seat of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Krakow on the medal's chapter was a matter of position, not of a person. The chapter, chaired by the president of the city, includes, in addition to the metropolitan, the rector of the Jagiellonian University. In 2019, there was another demand to remove Jędraszewski from the body awarding the medal – at that time it was a civic project that assumed that the position of metropolitan would be replaced by the position of director of the Wawel Royal Castle.

Main photo source: TVN24

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