Agnieszka Kaczorowska in the last episode “Dancing with the stars“She danced with Filip Gurłacz dream 40. Now they want to keep a good run, but they will have a challenge – The actor's father will join them on the dance floor. Star “Clan“She is already after rehearsals with dance partners and showed what moods they are before the broadcast of the program.
“Dance with the Stars”. Agnieszka Kaczorowska in emotions before the episode. Filip Gurłacz's father in the background
In the fourth episode of “Dance with the Stars”, close participants will appear on the dance floor. Filip Gurłacz decided to invite his father with whom he has a special bond. It turns out that Kaczorowska also She got along with a special guest. – We dance with Filip's dad and we invite you to Polsat in the evening – the actress pointed out with a smile, recording Instastories. Grzegorz Gurłacz also smiled at the camera from the couch. Interestingly, Kaczorowska also invited her daughters to the audience – Emilia and Gabrysiawhich had the opportunity to see the studio for the first time “Tzg“Live.
We can also see the preparations of all three in a reels published on the profiles of Kaczorowska and Gurłaczów. In one of the scenes, the actor's father speaks and reveals his attitude before the performance. – Cool, cool atmosphere – said Grzegorz Gurłacz. – I hope there will be no people He added after a while, joking and looking at the empty audience.
At first, his wife was to dance with Filip Gurłacz. It is known why he will appear on the dance floor with his father
Let us remind you, according to reports The first choice of Gurłacz to perform in the family episode “TZG” was to be his wife Małgorzata, with whom he joined in 2016. An anonymous informant revealed to Pudel, why ultimately Grzegorz Gurłacz will accompany Filip on the dance floor. – Małgosia knows that if she appeared with Filip before millions of viewers, they would have a great souvenir. But The interest in their family now caused that he does not want it – revealed the source of the portal. – She wasn't used to the endless articles about her husband and life on the candlestick. She stated that will not fuel rumors or extinguish thembecause every move would only generate an avalanche of subsequent comments and new reports on this subject – added the informant.