Our mindset plays a huge role in the decisions we make, the motivations behind these decisions, and finally the results that come from them. Having a fixed mindset means that you believe talent, intelligence, and other qualities are innate and can not be learned with time. However, as the name suggests, a growth mindset means you believe that all these qualities can be developed through practice and that any skill can be polished over time.
While you might be familiar with the basic concept of these mindsets, it can be challenging to actively put these concepts into routine life. But can a mindset really bring about change within ourselves and how we view others? Can understanding these concepts really shape our lives for the better? Let’s take a look at what this phenomenon is and how its understanding can help you.
What is a Growth Mindset?
The way we think about ourselves and perceive the world around us all depends on our thought processes. Having a growth mindset means that you are open to change and believe that there is always room for improvement. People with this attitude believe that if they are not good at something, they can improve through learning and determination.

Having an outlook like this opens you up to various possibilities in life, and you are able to take on more with a positive attitude. As students, we’re told that our brain stops developing after childhood. However, neurologically speaking, our brain keeps adapting to new and different situations as we keep evolving. This aspect is highlighted in many growth mindset essays on the importance of such a mindset. These samples also talk about how people with this thought process are open to change and ready to put in the necessary effort to make themselves better, in turn shaping their lives.
What is a Fixed Mindset?
People with a fixed mindset believe that everyone has a fixed and innate ability and level of intelligence. For them, most things are either black or white. So if you think that you might not be good at drawing or art and have a fixed mindset, you will never try to indulge in it and live your life believing that you will never be good at it.
A person with this mindset will usually be hesitant to change and always weigh challenges and situations based on their abilities. They discard the fact that a new skill can perhaps be learned or a new situation can become adaptable through some effort. People like this tend to stay in their presumptuous comfort zone and may never try new things just because they think they are impossible for them. Let’s take a look at some examples to help you absorb this idea better.
Example 1:
Someone with a fixed mindset will think they are either good at something or they are not. However, a person with a growth mindset will show patience in most situations and always think that everything can be learned with some practice.
Example 2:
For people with a growth mindset, feedback always leads to betterment because they look at things with a positive attitude and are open to change and learning. For them, feedback is a road to growth. On the other hand, a person with a fixed mindset will view the same feedback as criticism, and be harsh on themselves, thinking that they have failed at something.
Example 3:
If you think you’re shy and live your life believing that it is something that is a perpetual state of being, you probably have a fixed mindset. People like this will never look at something like shyness as a trait and rather just a state of being and will fail to make the changes needed to adapt to situations. Someone with a growth mindset will constantly try to make efforts to become confident whether that be in their classroom or in their life in general.
Example 4:
A fixed mindset does not only affect you but your perspective about others too. For example, someone with this attitude will either think someone is intelligent or they are not. And this will make them believe that someone who is naturally smart does not need to try hard to succeed. A person with a growth mindset will view the same situation much differently. They will think there is room for improvement and that success is achievable through hard work and the necessary steps needed to achieve it. People with growth mindsets tend to be open-minded and believe that no one is born smart and that anyone can improve through practice and persistence.
Example 5:

Other people’s success makes someone with a fixed mindset feel bad about themselves. They tend to weigh their own achievements in comparison to others. This attitude makes people believe they are failures at things that seem easy for others because, for them, those people were born with that ability. However, a person with a growth mindset will feel inspired by other people’s successes and achievements. This is because it shows them that it’s something that is possible.
Some Tips for Building Growth Mindset
Just like you can grow your intellect, a person can always develop their brain capabilities and change their thinking patterns. Science tells us that our brains are similar to plastic and thus can be remolded and shaped. You can always take the required steps to change your thinking patterns.
Something that will be helpful is gradually opening up your brain to new situations and possibilities. Realize that it is scientifically possible to improve. By challenging yourself to overcome new situations, you can slowly rewire your brain to be more accepting to change. Look at failure as just another step towards achieving your ultimate goal. Failure is just a temporary setback and it is always important to enjoy the process and be open to any possibility life has to offer.
Bottom Line
Success and failure are a part of life. It is important to not weigh yourself against your achievements only. You should always look at the bigger picture and the things learned along the way. You should try and put these powerful examples into practice. Learning and teaching through example can help you and others improve, and attain a better outlook on life.