The fuel dump from the second degree Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceX was visible over Poland. He was accompanied by a characteristic, luminous spiral. The rocket took a mysterious load on orbit during the Nrol-69 mission for the American army.
As the popularizer of astronomy Karol Wójcicki wrote on social media, after 21 o'clock on Poland was a controlled fuel discharge from the second -degree Falcona 9 tanks. The maneuver caused the appearance of a characteristic, light spiral.
“During the planned deorbitation, before the second degree of the rocket enters the atmosphere and burns, there is often a discharge of fuel residues. It happens in space – a few hundred kilometers above the ground – where there is no air, so the thrown gases do not disperse chaotically, but they form symmetrical structures. If the rocket rotates around its own axis (which is often deliberate (which is often deliberate (which is often deliberate (which is often deliberate (which is often deliberate Stabilize flight), the fuel released from the nozzles is arranged in the shape of a spiral or vortex, “he explained.
Falcon 9 in reporter lenses24
We received many materials with a luminous spiral in the lead role on Contact24.
Although the weather was not conducive to observations in all parts of Poland, many photographers managed to immortalize the phenomenon.
Falcona 9 fuel dump over WarsawKasia Gontarska
Falcona 9 fuel dump over WarsawTowards heaven@Facebook
Falcon 9. Flight above us
On Monday, before 2pm of the local time, the Falcon 9 rocket started from the Florida base as part of the NROL-69 military mission. On board there was a secret load for the American National Recognition Office – no details about the satellite were made to the public. The second degree trajectory of the rocket ran over Poland.
As Adam Hurcewicz from the blog “On Space and Astronautics” explained in social media, “the mission will be a satellite for a low orbit with a slope of 51 degrees, similar to some oldinks, but slightly higher.” This translated into an unusual high trajectory of the second degree of rocket. “Flight from west to east of around 19.09” – added Hurcewicz.
With a head in the stars, about space and astronautics – Adam Hurcewicz, NRO,