There is no more popular assignment in school than an essay. Teachers appreciate such tasks since work on one consists of many stages. Research, formulation of the thesis and arguments, drafting, editing, and proofreading – all of it requires inspiration and dedication! Of course, you may face many questions in the process, which is why we are writing this article. Read to the end to avoid common mistakes and come up with a truly strong paper.
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What Is an Essay?
So, let’s start with the basics. The word itself has a Latin origin. Literally, “essay” is translated as an attempt or experience. Here, you express your reflections or thoughts. And to do it right, you need to know the main features of this paper:
- ease of narration;
- a narrow, specific problem;
- clear stance on the problem;
- avoidance of complicated terms and long formulations;
- a rather small volume.
Plus, an essay should surprise readers with vivid language, paradoxes, and frankness.
How Many Paragraphs Is an Essay?
Even though an essay is a free genre, there are still certain requirements for it. Perhaps the most important thing is a concise thesis – a key idea that you will support with arguments and examples.
Even though the word “arguments” sounds rather serious, don’t be afraid of it. It refers to the typical elements of the story. These are examples from personal experience, opinions of experts, or historical and scientific facts. Traditionally, there are three such arguments.
Thus, an essay usually has five paragraphs. The first is the introduction, the next three are the main body, and the last is the conclusion.
What Is an Essay Structure?
Now let’s talk about the essay’s parts in more detail.
Introductory part. Here, you must set the right mood for the reader and make sure they are engaged enough to proceed with your paper. For this, turn to rhetorical questions and quotes. In the first paragraph, you are stating the thesis, i.e., the central point of an essay.
Main part:
- argument+example;
- argument+example;
- argument+example.
It’ll be great if you also turn to a counterargument, as knowing the opposite side of the issue shows your amazing expertise.
Conclusion. The final sentences are essential as they add coherence to the text. Their function is to motivate the reader to reflect. Sometimes, these lines are key in the whole story.
As for the style of the text, better keep it emotional, contrasting, and artistic.
How to Start an Essay?
If you’ve faced a creative block, don’t worry. Just use the freewriting technique. This method is about putting down all the thoughts that come to mind without analyzing or editing them at once. At first sight, this process may seem like a stream of consciousness. But in reality, it saves you plenty of time and effort since you literally give freedom to the creative energy hidden inside.
Many authors recommend starting the story with a question. Or begin with a strong quote – it will set the right mood!
What Are the Common Mistakes?
You certainly don’t want your paper to be weak or full of cliches. That is why let’s dive into the most widespread mistakes:
- the fear of being sincere – because of this, many works lack personal vision;
- a long boring introduction or weird conclusion;
- not reflecting on references;
- overloaded thesis and lack of arguments – then, the text seems illogical;
- misunderstanding of the topic.
Which Things Are Necessary for Your Teacher?
As you probably know, educators simply adore assigning essays. This is how they determine whether learners develop creative thinking and whether they can express their thoughts clearly.
There are specific points that teachers pay attention to:
- your theoretical base and knowing the main features of the genre;
- your ability to work with information: what arguments are given, whether the facts are trustworthy, and whether the data is relevant;
- your vocabulary and erudition;
- the whole structure of the text: clarity of thoughts, smooth flow, and consistency in writing.
How to Edit an Essay?
Even if the deadline is close, there’s a final stage that can’t be skipped. And this is editing and proofreading. They are way more than just correcting typos and grammar mistakes (by the way, you can rely on the Grammarly service in this matter). First and foremost, read the entire essay aloud.
Have you proved that your thesis is right? Are your arguments strong? Does each next paragraph follow from the previous one? Remember: your reader mustn’t be confused or lost.
Does the conclusion summarize all of your arguments? Make sure the final paragraph sounds amazing, as the reader’s aftertaste mainly depends on it.

Which Tips Should You Follow?
Here are a few additional aspects to keep in mind to craft a compelling essay.
- The text should be easy to read. You can improve your paper’s readability by alternating short and long sentences and using simple language. Thus, why not turn to the Hemingway service? This platform does a cool job of helping you write like a famous author: your sentences will be simple yet powerful.
- Get rid of complex words, slang, and narrow vocabulary.
- Use humor and irony when appropriate.
- Stick to the chosen topic and don’t deviate from the main idea.
- Fill the story with memories from your life experience.
To Wrap It Up
We hope this article will work like a cheat sheet for you, as now you know how to comply with the laws of the genre. Having saved our tips and warnings, you can not only write a brilliant paper but also save a lot of time and effort.