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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Majka Je¿owska talks about how she will spend Halloween. Will Piotr Mróz get angry?

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The media got really hot after the last speech Piotr Mróz in the program “Dancing with the Stars“. In a famous interview, a man he thundered about celebrating Halloween, stating that it was “worshiping Satan”. Moreover, he expressed his radical views holding out a rosary in front of the camera. Now she has expressed her opinion about the upcoming holiday Majka Jeżowska. He will go to heel Frosty?

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Majka Jeżowska celebrates Halloween. He will spend it with a famous singer

Piotr Mróz's controversial statement received strong coverage in the Polish media. Internet users divided into two camps – the first supported the actor's statement, while the second criticized his speech. The actor even received criminal threats. He even commented on the high-profile interview Kuba Wojewódzkiwho eagerly mocked Mróz's attitude in “Polityka”. However, with the upcoming event fast approaching Halloweenthere is only more information on the Internet about how stars spend their holidays. She joined this group Majka Jeżowska.

In an interview with Jastrząb Post, the singer shared her plans for Halloween evening. It's surprising who she received the invitation from. – I'm invited to a Halloween party by Mery Spolsky she started. Then she revealed that she did not yet know what outfit she would wear to her colleague from the industry. – I'm going, but I need to find the right outfit, because I won't let you in without it. I don't have an idea yet. I live for dancing and training, but I will call my stylist friend to come up with something, she confessed.

Majka Jeżowska attacks Polish society. “It's too conservative”

In the same conversation, Jeżowska clearly criticized the attitude of Poles towards the annual event, which, however, still enjoys enormous popularity both in Poland and abroad. She herself referred to her own memories related to her stay in the United States. – I don't fight it because I lived in the United States for many years, my son was little and he walked around the neighbors with a basket, collected candies, dressed up, painted his face – she recalled. She then encouraged all those who were unconvinced not to demonize “fun”, which is something ordinary and uncontroversial all over the world. – There is no such discussion at all in the United States. We are too conservative in our approach to something that is normal fun all over the world. This does not mean any lack of respect for the dead. This is for kids – she argued. At the very end, Jeżowska referred to the event from a few moments ago. – My granddaughter came to a Dancing with the Stars rehearsal in a pumpkin costume. So what's wrong with that? – she said.

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