The case regarding the disclosure of documents, as well as Mariusz Błaszczak's statement in this matter, are devastating for the Polish state – said Adam Bodnar, Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General in “Facts after Facts” on TVN24. In this way he referred to the charges of the former head of the Ministry of National Defense regarding the disclosure of part of the state defense plan. He added that PiS politician, revealing this, was guided by the political interest.
PiS MP Mariusz Błaszczak He heard the allegation of disclosure of fragments of the “Warta” military plan. As the head of the Ministry of National Defense, he declassified in July 2023 and revealed in September 2023 fragments of the plan to use the Polish Armed Forces Warta-00101. This plan is a document from 2011 regarding the method of defense against a possible attack Russia.
Referring to this document, Blaszczak then accused PO politicians that at the time of their rule they planned to “give half the country to the attacker”. He claimed yes, although the segment of the plan he presented only showed the fourth of six phases of potential defense, and the defense of the army in plans lasted from the first phase.
Read also: Documents with category A, “Fifth stage of the fourth phase of defense”. What Blaszczak revealed
According to investigators, Blaszczak declassified plans that, according to the army, should always remain secret. Thus, “he caused serious damage to the Commonwealth.” The former minister faces 10 years in prison.
The prosecutor, lieutenant colonel Marcin Maksjan informed that Błaszczak did not admit to committing the alleged act and “did not want to answer the prosecutor's questions.”
– When I was asked if I would make the same decision once again, my answer is unequivocal: yes – said Blaszczak. He added that as the Minister of National Defense he had not only the right, but also an obligation to make such a decision.
Bodnar: it is devastating for the Polish state
He spoke more about this in “Facts after Facts” on TVN24 Adam BodnarMinister of Justice and Prosecutor General,
– In my opinion, the matter regarding the disclosure of these documents, as well as this statement of the former Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak, are devastating for the Polish state – he said.
– We must have confidence in the fact that if any documents have a secrecy clause, only authorized persons who have undergone appropriate certification have access to these documents. Secondly, we need to know that if there are such documents, their disclosure may only occur in a specific mode, very strictly provided by law – he pointed out.
– If the former minister says he could declassify again (this document – ed.) It means that as if he sent a signal that it doesn't matter – he said.
Bodnar pointed out that Blaszczak, revealing part of the document, was guided by the political interest. – It was needed to use in the election campaign to attack opponents during the election campaign, saying that allegedly part of Poland would remain without rescue – he added.
Source of the main photo: Tvn24