General Mieczysław Bieniek assessed in “Facts after Facts” on TVN24 that joining Sweden and Finland to NATO was “a very high strengthening of the alliance's defense system. The adviser to the Minister of Defense outlined the image of the security of the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Alliance in the face of Russia's threat.
Advisor of the Minister of National Defense for Safety and the former deputy commander NATO For the transformation of General Mieczysław Bieniek, he was a guest in “Facts after Facts” on TVN24, and the topic of the conversation was the state of the army and the readiness of the Eastern Flanka NATO.
The general explained that the entrance of Sweden and Finland to the North Atlantic Pact last year was of key importance for the increase in the security of the Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia And it was “a very large strengthening of the NATO defense system”. – Sweden has a very modern navy, good aviation, good recognition systems, both air and ground and defense industry – he explained.
– Finland may not be so numerous, but it has good air force. It has large reservoirs, which can mobilize in a very short time and well -trained land troops seasoned for harsh field conditions – he added. He also reminded that the Finns have a border with Russia over 1300 kilometers.
The state of the German army
Gen. Bieniek also referred to the state of the army German and their arms industry. He cited that at the moment the Bundeswehr has about 200,000 soldiers. – Remember, Germany has about nineteen patriot batteries with rockets, they have an excellent defense industry – he said.
As he calculated, the Germans “have modern aviation”, but “they must renew the fleet of helicopters”. – As for land forces – we know, an excellent manufacturer of Leopard tanks, but these tanks, the most modern type, have a little too little because they exported a lot – he added. He assessed the German Navy as “in good condition”.
– At the moment, situational awareness in countries located close to the Russian Federation has woke up significantly. She is also present in such countries as Great Britainwhich is far away (…), but it is our close proximity, Eastern Flanks (NATO) and Central Europe – maybe in addition to Hungary – it is really aware of what the Russian Federation can bring – summed up General Bieniek.
The abilities of the Polish arms. “We rebuild the potential”
General Bieniek was also asked about the state Polish army and our ammunition capabilities. Piotr Marciniak, host of the program, said that “the opposition repeats that the Polish army has ammunition only for five days of war.” – Has anyone built a new ammunition factory within eight years? Has anyone resumed production capacity? Now this is just happening – answered the adviser to the Minister of Defense.
– Now we are rebuilding potential in a violent mode. Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa also uses the capabilities of the private industry – added General Bieniek. He also noted that to strengthen the defense potential, you need to “simplify the procedures”.
Author/author: sz/ft
Source: Tvn24
Source of the main photo: Leonhard Foeger / Reuters / Forum