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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Paczków. Four houses for flood victims from “Buddha” will remain with the flood victims. Mrs. Iwona's story

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Four container houses that the YouTuber “Budda” funded for flood victims will not be seized as part of the ongoing investigation – the prosecutor's office said, and the mayor of Paczków in the Opole region, where the houses were built, gave consent for them to be collected and transported to selected places. Earlier, journalists from “Uwagi!” went to Mrs. Iwona – one of the people who received the house as a donation. TVN, hearing that it had a problem with its occupation.

In September, YouTuber “Budda” offered to build a temporary town to help flood victims in the Opole region. At the stadium in Paczków in Nysa County, on the land provided by the commune authorities, four mobile container houses were built. Each of them is approximately 60 square meters, equipped with the necessary equipment and heated. Flood victims from Paczków lived in two houses, and families from Stronie Śląskie and Lądek-Zdrój lived in other houses.

After “Buddy” – Kamil L. – was detained by the Central Bureau of Investigation, the prosecutor's office secured his property. There was a fear that it would also take over the houses.

– Based on information obtained from the West Pomeranian Organized Crime Division of the National Prosecutor's Office, I kindly inform you that container houses will not be secured in the case – however, said prosecutor Katarzyna Calów-Jaszewska in an interview with tvn24.pl.

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READ ALSO: Youtuber Budda detained by the Central Bureau of Investigation.

Kamil L., BuddhaPHOTON/PAP

But, as it turned out, another problem arose.

The case was taken up by reporters from “Uwaga!” TVN.

SEE THE FULL MATERIAL “NOTES!” TVN: They got the houses from Buddy, but an unexpected problem occurred. “The foundation has been built, but the house is gone”

House from a YouTuber

Mrs. Iwona is a single mother. Her house was completely destroyed. It threatens to collapse. The woman, escaping from the flood, only had time to take a bag with clothes and documents. Two days after the disaster, a famous YouTuber visited her.

– I didn't know who it was because I don't watch YouTube. But the children quickly made me aware of it and I agreed to such a meeting. He came with his girlfriend and his cameramen. He said to me: “You have a house, don't worry, woman, you have a house,” recalls Mrs. Iwona.

He adds that they quickly bought a plot of land especially for the house, paved the area and dug an access road, a septic tank and a well. They managed to do it in three weeks.

Mrs. Iwona, immediately after preparing the plot, went to the mayor of Paczków to collect the house. The house would be built in the neighboring commune, in Mrs. Iwona's hometown, i.e. near Lądek-Zdrój.

He donated four container houses to the flood victimstvn24/ Photo published by the mayor of Paczków, Artur Rolka

– But it turned out that I couldn't take the house because I didn't have the documents. This is what the mayor of Paczków says. I didn't expect this, admits Iwona.

– Today, my colleague from the crisis team contacted the mayor again – says the woman.

– Until I have a donation agreement, the house will remain in the Paczków commune. This lady has to wait. Let the mayor of Lądek write to me officially about this matter – Artur Rolka, mayor of Paczków, allegedly told the man.

“Oral agreement applies”

Mrs. Iwona does not have a donation deed because she did not have time to sign it, but according to lawyers, an oral agreement may apply in this case.

– The recording and all the circumstances show that this house belongs to this lady. That the donation agreement was concluded effectively. That the donor and the recipient have made consistent declarations of will. The keys have been issued. And Mrs. Iwona took steps to prepare for the foundation of the house and its location on her property. The recording is very important evidence – explains Dr. Aneta Paleczna, lawyer.

– On Thursday, I asked this person (Ms. Iwona – ed.) to give me the donation agreement and she did not. She only provided information that she only had the keys. In my opinion, she is not the administrator – he told reporters “Attention!” TVN Artur Rolka, mayor of Paczków.

15 minutes after the first conversation, the mayor called back and agreed to a meeting. He then informed that the cottages could be taken away. – There were some fears that these houses could have been seized, for example by law enforcement agencies as part of ongoing proceedings – explained Rolka.

As reported by “Attention!” TVN, to collect the house, Mrs. Iwona only needs to write a declaration that she is its owner and that she is transporting it to the indicated address.

Youtuber with allegations

On Monday, October 14, Kamil L., a popular YouTuber known as “Budda”, was detained by Central Police Investigation Bureau. As part of the investigation conducted by the West Pomeranian Organized Crime Division of the National Prosecutor's Office in Szczecin, a total of 10 people were detained. The National Prosecutor's Office brought charges against Kamil L., including: “leading and participating in an organized criminal group whose aim was to organize games of chance, which, due to the conditions of their participation, were in fact gambling games.”

READ ALSO: “Buddha” temporarily arrested. The judge worked “day and night”

“Buddha” was chargedTVN24

Author:by, Marcin Jakóbczyk/ms,gp,adso

Main photo source: TVN24

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