Piotr Gąsowski He has been present in Polish show business for decades. Many associate him with the roles in series “Far from a stretcher” or “In -laws”. Until recently, the actor was also the host of “yours The face sounds familiar“Now the presenter joined the” contact glass “. This year Gąsowski will be 61 years old, which means that In four years he will be able to retire. As he confessed, he cannot count on generous transfers. He explained what it results from.
Piotr Gąsowski discusses retirement. He does not hide that he did not pay contributions
In recent years, the issue of pension has been raised in the media by many stars. Some complain that they will get “scratches”, others believe that their benefit is appropriate and can be made from it. Piotr G ± Sowski he does not hide that he cannot count on much from ZUS-at. – It's a sensitive point. I am writing my second book now and I wrote about it exactly. I will explain. If you earned a lot of money, you could pay larger contributions. We, as a free competition, did not have to pay ZUS and we took this money for ourselves – explained the actor in an interview with Pleiades.
If you didn't pay the premium, where can you get a pension from? I know what's going on. This is regret, because many of us did not know about it. It was not made aware because we are still from the communism
– said Gąsowski. He then pointed out that many could not be aware that the pension contribution should be paid yourself. – How is it? Should we pay ZUS ourselves? It turned out that he himself, he admitted in an interview.
Piotr Gąsowski cannot count on a high pension
In an interview with the portal, Gąsowski mentioned that he could not count on much. However, as he emphasizes – he deserved it. – I also admit that I will have a scandalously low pension, but I think I deserved it, because at that time I did not pay for ZUS, only I gave them to pleasure the presenter revealed. Then he appealed not to judge other stars. – Don't get you abuse over [moimi – przyp. red.] colleagues who say they have small pensions. They are simply aware that they could one day do differently, and this is now unimportant – summed up Gąsowski.