On World Water Day, scientists are alerting that it is missing in many countries. In Poland, this can be seen even over Biebrza or Narew. We have drought for three decades. Naval rains cause floods, but do not change the hydrological situation.
There is drought in the meadows on the Bug. Residents say that there has never been so little water here. – Normal level is almost even with the edges at this time, and now we can see behind the back what is happening, that there is two meters, simply the shoreline. So much water is missing to a normal level, which is in spring at this time – reports Mr. Jan Krzyżanowski, a resident of Samowicze.
It is similar on Biebrza and Narew. – With normal states, we would stand up to our knees in the water now, so there is a shortage of this metro, one and a half meters of water – says Mikołaj Pruszyński from the Narew National Park.
The famous backwaters begin to resemble a steppe. There is much less water throughout the country than a year ago. – We have drought in Poland for 30 years. This drought is deepening. This year, we did not have snowfall at all, which are responsible for a third of water resources a year – alerts Krzysztof Zaremba from the Odra Centrum center in Wrocław.
UN dramatic climate report. “We are on the road to ruin”Magda Łucyan/Fakty TVN
There is either too much water or too little
Climate change means that the water is either too much or too little. Like in the Żywiec Beskids, where residents alternately fight flooding or drought. – The challenge is the fact that it is a mountain region, which means that the water flows quickly. There are also naval rains, which appear quite quickly and disappear quickly – indicates Marta Nowicka from the “We care for water” coalition.
The World Water Day celebrated for almost 30 years is to pay attention to problems with this life -giving liquid. – We must start treating water as a resource. To think about where it comes from and that there is less and less of it on the planet, because we have only 1 percent of these fresh water resources – emphasizes Hanna Pieczyńska from the Waterworks and Sewage Plant in Szczecin.
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We still pollute this 1 percent. – We should limit water permits for industry. Unfortunately, too much industrial sewage and saline waters goes to the water, especially to the Oder. We had an example after the disaster. The second thing, local governments must stop dropping emergency dumps of sewage from the treatment plant – believes Paweł Augustynek Halny from the “Save the River” coalition.
Drought in the Narew National ParkTvn24
How to fight drought?
It is necessary to limit the ubiquitous concrete and retention to accumulate excess water instead of allowing it irretrievably to the sea. You should use environmentally friendly cleaning agents, and drink the tap instead of bottled water if its quality allows it.
– A statistical family of four saves 6,000 zlotys a year, choosing tap water, not bottle, and do not produce over 100 kilograms of plastic – notes Przemysław Gałecki, vice president of the municipal water supply and sewage company in Wrocław.
For the hydrological situation in Poland to return to normal, it would have to rain non-stop for three weeks.
Source of the main photo: Facts of TVN