Karol Nawrocki, a candidate of Law and Justice for president, said that “there is no fear” that he would get to the second round of elections. He also stated that he would defeat the candidate of the Civic Coalition Rafał Trzaskowski. “I intend to win these presidential elections,” he argued.
Karol Nawrocki During the conference in Warsaw, he was asked about the latest polls Presidential, who show the upward trend of the confederation candidate Sławomir Mentzen and indicate that he is on his heels to the candidate PiS. Among others from the opinion survey24 for RMF FM It follows that 19.5 percent of respondents want to vote on Nawrocki, and 18.9 percent for the leader of the Confederation.
– When it comes to any fears, of course I don't have them. Mr. Editor (he asked the journalist asking the question – ed.), Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, (…), there is no fear that I will get to the second round and defeat Rafał Trzaskowski – said Nawrocki.
“I think the best survey is that I made a million three hundred thousand signatures yesterday,” he added, referring to signatures collected for their candidacy.
He also said that those polls that indicate that he would enter the second round “are dominant.” – There is really no fear of how it will end here. I intend to win this presidential election, defeat Rafał Trzaskowski, who is almost worn in all these polls. The reality will be different, please trust me – he added.
Presidential election 2025
The presidential election will take place on May 18, and a possible second round on June 1. According to the election calendar PKW It is necessary to collect a minimum of 100,000 signatures of support.
Source of the main photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak