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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Russia – USA. Sergei Lavrov is critical of Joe Biden's proposal. “Fraud”

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“Negotiations on arms control must be based on mutual respect and the recognition that war should be avoided,” he argued. Sergei Lavrovaccusing the American president that his proposal is insincere. As the Russian diplomat suggested, for the proposed solutions to come into force, the Americans would first have to completely change their policy towards Russia.

In an interview with aif.ru, Lavrov explained that Biden's idea is based on “unilateral benefit” and is nothing more than “fraud.” As he suggested, it would be unfair to enter into arms reduction negotiations at a time when Americans still view Russia as hostile state.

Sergei Lavrov: Joe Biden's proposal is rooted in evil

– (Joe Biden's proposal – ed.) is rooted in evil. Calling for a discussion on strategic stability and nuclear arms control without preconditions is disingenuous. What does “without preconditions” mean? It means that the Americans retain the right to describe us as an enemy in their doctrinal documents and to officially declare that their goal is to lead to Russia's strategic defeat on the battlefield, Lavrov said.

A Russian politician said Biden “cleverly promotes an attractive slogan”behind which there is a desire to gain benefits. – When they propose: “Let's start negotiations without any conditions, but our goal is to destroy you on the battlefield”, is this a reasonable approach? I think not, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

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Joe Biden calls for negotiations. It's about nuclear weapons

Joe Biden's proposal was made on October 13 while congratulating the Japanese organization Nipon Hindakyowhich she received this year The Nobel Peace Prize. For decades, the group has been appealing to countries around the world to give up nuclear weapons.

The American president stated that United States are ready to start talks with Russia without any preconditions, China i North Korea on weapons reduction and reducing the nuclear threat.

– There is no benefit to our nations or to the world in preventing progress in nuclear arsenal reduction. Reducing the nuclear threat is important not despite the threats in today's world, but precisely because of them – argued the US leader.

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