Electric wires were stolen from the lighting columns on the Silesian section of the A1 motorway. The police call for help in finding the perpetrators, the losses were valued at at least PLN 100,000.
The theft occurred on the section of the highway between the Gliwice Wschód and Zabrze West nodes, at the former CHANCKA -TACE COLLECTION point. Traces of heavy equipment were found on the spot, the thieves probably used it to extract and remove cables. The police informed General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways.
“Theft took place at night in the period from March 23 to 26. With the theft of power cables, complete equipment of the lighting wardrobe and 100 lanterns, including fuses, control modules, stabs and copper wires, were damaged. Initially, the losses were estimated for an amount of not less than PLN 100,000. The traces indicate that the square moved that heavy vehicles were moving, such as the premium And a tractor, “GDDKiA said on Friday.
Source: GDDKiA Katowice
❗Wraz z tarnogórskimi policjantami ́ ̇ ́ na odcinku autostrady… Posted by General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways [GDDKiA] he Friday, March 28, 2025
They are looking for perpetrators
The Tarnogórska police published an appeal in which they have addressed everyone who has been passing the highway on that Friday, for information about suspicious people or vehicles in this region. “Recordings from video recorders mounted on vehicles may be key, so please review the registered travels in the indicated place” – added the police.
Information can be provided by phone numbers 47 853 42 55 or 112. As they describe to the uniform, the perpetrators unknown so far have overcome the security of inspection boxes placed on the poles on both sides of the road and stolen cables from them.
Representatives of GDDKiA emphasize that the theft and devastation of road infrastructure significantly affect the safety of road users. “Full highway equipment is crucial for ensuring traffic safety,” they argue.
Author/author: blame
Source: PAP
Source of the main photo: Silesian police