Source: Google Earth
Szczecin policemen received a notification about an aggressive and adventurous young man who refused to show documents during ticket checks. After the intervention, it turned out that he was wanted because of an unpaid fine.
During the ticket inspection on the public transport bus, the 24-year-old behaved aggressively, shouted and did not want to give the controller to the Road and Urban Transport Board of his data. The police were called in.
“After verifying his identity in the system, it turned out that he was a person wanted to serve a fine for a fine on time” – we read in a police communication.
The 24-year-old rode without a valid ticket.
See also: Controllers on buses with cameras. “To improve safety”
The man had to pay a fine on the spot so as not to arrest. In addition, he got a ticket for disturbing public order.
Author/author: Mr/GP
Source:, KMP Szczecin
Source of the main photo: Wojciech Wrzesien /