Today's weather. Wednesday 17.07 will bring mostly small and moderate cloud cover. Thunderstorms are forecast in the mountains. Thermometers will show from 23 to 31 degrees.
Wednesday in Podkarpacie and Małopolska will be marked by variable cloudiness with occasional rain and stormsduring which up to 10-20 liters of water per square meter will fall, and wind gusts will reach 60-80 kilometers per hour. In the rest of the country there will be small and moderate cloudiness, although in the morning in the eastern Podlasie, Mazovia, Lublin region there is a possibility of disappearing rain and isolated storms with precipitation of 10-20 l/sq. m and wind gusts of up to 60-80 km/h. Thermometers will show a maximum of 23 degrees Celsius in the Szczecin Lowland to 31 degrees C in the Podkarpacie region. There will be a weak and moderate wind, prevailing from the west.
Weather forecast for
Biometeorological conditions – Wednesday, 17/07
Air humidity during the day will range from 70 to 90 percent. Residents of eastern and southeastern Poland will feel the heat, while residents of other regions of the country will feel hot. Biometeorological conditions will be unfavorable in the east, neutral in the rest of the country.
Biometeo conditions on
Today's weather – Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot
In front of the residents Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot Wednesday with small and moderate cloud cover. Thermometers will show a maximum of 25 degrees Celsius. There will be a weak and moderate, westerly wind. The pressure is rising, at noon it will reach 1017 hPa.
Today's weather – Krakow
On Wednesday in Krakow variable cloudiness is forecast. In addition, there will be occasional rain and thunder. During storms, precipitation will fall in the range of 10-20 l/m2, and wind gusts will accelerate to 60-80 km/h. The maximum temperature will be 30 degrees Celsius. The wind will be weak, north-easterly. The pressure is fluctuating, at noon it will reach 987 hPa.
Today's weather – Poznan
Wednesday in Poznan will be marked by small and moderate cloudiness. The thermometers will show a maximum of 26 degrees Celsius. There will be a weak and moderate, westerly wind. The pressure is rising, at noon it will reach 1008 hPa.
Today's weather – Warsaw
Residents Warsaw Wednesday will be cloudy and moderate. The maximum temperature will reach 29 degrees Celsius. The wind will be weak and moderate, it will blow from the west. The pressure is rising, at noon it will be 1006 hPa.
Today's weather – Wroclaw
Wednesday in Wroclaw will bring small and moderate cloudiness. The thermometers will show a maximum of 28 degrees Celsius. The wind will be weak, west and north-west. The pressure is rising, at noon it will reach 1004 hPa.
Road conditions on
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