The second in the last few weeks fire of the vacancy in former post -Soviet facilities at Grudziądzka Street in Toruń. According to officials, there could be arson. The city hall submitted a notification of a crime.
On Saturday (March 22) a few minutes after 4pm, firefighters received a report about a fire that occurred at Grudziadzka Street. The vacancy was burned in former post -Soviet facilities. This is the second fire in the same place. The first occurred at the beginning of February.
No one was injured in the Saturday fire.
There could be arson
– In connection with the fire of the vacancy, which took place in the area at ul. Grudziądzka, constituting the resource of the Toruń Municipality – director of the Investment and Renovation Department of the Toruń City Hall, submitted a notification of the possibility of committing a crime consisting in setting fire to the object – said Marcin Centkowski, spokesman for the president of Toruń.
Another fire of the vacancy in ToruńAdam Sztrukiewicz
In the area where the fire took place, demolition works are to be carried out. Two weeks ago, the city hall handed it over to the contractor and then secured it.
Another fire of the vacancy in ToruńKM PSP in Toruń
– The contractor began the first work by removing old furniture, which the earlier tenants left, dismantled the window joinery and was to start demolishing the facilities. The works were also carried out until Saturday (March 22) until 1pm – said Marcin Centkowski.
Another fire of the vacancy in ToruńKM PSP in Toruń
Source of the main photo: KM PSP in Toruń