The Ukrainian army has a new chief of the General Staff. On Sunday, President Wołodymyr Złeski appointed Brigadier General Andriy Hnatow to this position.
Defense minister Ukraine Rust died on Sunday that at his request, President Wołodymyr Zelnski appointed Major General Andriy Hnatow as the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
Diesov informed that Hnatow, who was the deputy chief of the General Staff, has over 27 years of military experience, commanded the Maritime Infantry Brigade, the East Operational Command forces and forces joined by the armed forces of Ukraine.
Hnatow commanded the defense of cities such as Mikołajów and Bachmut.
The RBK-Ukraina portal reminded that Hnatow began his service in the Marine Infantry Battalion stationed in Crimea, and after the annexation of the peninsula by Russia In 2014, he did not break the oath and returned to the continental part of Ukraine, continuing his military career.
Tasks set
The Ukrainian Portal Prawi reported, citing the staff message that before Hnatów, the tasks were set for “increasing the efficiency of the armed forces management department”. His task is also to “implement combat experience in planning and commanding troops.”
The predecessor of Hnatów, General Anatoly Barhyłewycz was appointed as the general inspector of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. “He remains in the team. Today, his knowledge is necessary to reform the main inspection and introduce modern control mechanisms in the defense forces that will increase the discipline, effectiveness and combat capacity of our soldiers,” wrote.
“We continue the reform of the army. We are consistently changing the armed forces to improve their combat capabilities. To this end, we change the command system and introduce bright standards” – emphasized the dies.
Reports about the change of staff chief appeared after information about the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from the town of Sudza in the Kurski region, considered their abutments in the border region.
Author/author: tape/kg
Source: PAP, Ukrainian truth, RBK-Ukraina
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