Ukrainian nuclear power plants will remain the property of the state. They will not be taken over by the USA – said Wołodymyr Zelnski. During his visit to Norway, he also described the attitude of US President Donald Trump regarding the admission of Kiev to NATO as a gift for Vladimir Putin.
Wołodymyr Zelanski admitted that he was surprised by the attitude of the Americans. According to him, Donald Trump gave up too easily in terms of the future of Ukraine in NATO Kremlin. He pointed out that in the American agenda of conversations with the Russians, the topic of Ukrainian joining the North Atlantic Pact ceased to be visible.
– This is a gift for the Kremlin – he emphasized during the conference after the meeting with Norway Prime Minister Jonas Gahrem Stoere.
Zelnski in NorwayPAP/EPA/OLE BERG-Rsten
“You understood the consequences of this war”
The president confirmed the participation of Ukraine in the next negotiations session announced for Monday in Saudi Arabia. He admitted that although he did not believe that the Russians adopted the proposed conditions for suspension of weapons, he assessed their last steps as “an attempt to measure in the right direction.”
The proposal of the administration of Donald Trump, that the Zaporian Nuclear Power Plant was taken over by the Americans, was clearly rejected on Thursday by Wołodymyr Zełent. While other energy sectors can be privatized, nuclear power plants are and will remain the property of the Ukrainian state. The Zaporian Nuclear Power Plant, currently occupied by the Russian army, will be able to operate only under the control of Ukraine – said Zelanski.
Sebastian Napieraj about the conversation Trump-Zełenski Tvn24
The president thanked the Norwegians for support in providing power supply in recent months. Protection of energy production and ongoing maintenance, and reconstruction of its transmission system were the most important goal for which Oslo directed civil help for Kiev.
– You immediately understood the consequences of this war. You stood on the side of justice and common sense. Thanks to you we survived the winter – said to Jonas Gahr Stoere.
Help for Ukraine
The Norwegian prime minister announced that the help increased in 2025 from 35 to 85 billion (from 12.8 to PLN 31 billion) help will be immediately transferred to Ukraine. According to the needs of the Ukrainian army, the money will first be allocated to the development of artillery, the purchase of drones and ammunition and the expansion of the Ukrainian arms industry.
Jonas Gahr Stoere emphasized that a strong European voice must count in a discussion about the future of Ukraine. He appreciated Ukraine's efforts to maintain correct relations with the United States. He added that Norway has many years of experience in diplomatic and negotiating cooperation with the USA and willingly use them to help Kiev.
During the unannounced visit to Oslo, the Ukrainian president also met with Jens Stoltenberg, the Minister of Finance of Norway, who was the secretary of NATO general.
Source of the main photo: PAP/EPA/OLE BERG-Rsten