In the new survey, Poles were asked about the features that the president should have. It was also compared how individual presidential candidates fall out in terms of these features. In the case of honesty, responsibility, wisdom and patriotism, the best results were obtained by the candidate Ko Rafał Trzaskowski, while PiS candidate Karol Nawrocki was in fourth place. Prime Minister Donald Tusk commented on Thursday.
In the latest poll The respondents conducted by ARC Rynek and Opinion for “Rzeczpospolita” were asked what features the president should have. They were also asked to indicate to what extent the individual features were described by five candidates for this office. The features that the survey respondents indicated as the most important in the president were “honesty”, “responsibility” and “justice” – says “Rzeczpospolita”. Respondents chose these features from group 13 options selected in the initial survey – explains the newspaper.
What should the president be?
Four of the features that the respondents were asked about, “Rzeczpospolita” then compares to each of the five candidates. These are: honesty, responsibility, wisdom and patriotism. The best results for all these features were obtained by the KO candidate Rafał Trzaskowskiwhich was honest by 50 percent asked, for responsible 49 percent, wise: 47 percent, and patriot: 42 percent
The third road candidate turned out to be the second in terms of these four features Szymon Hołownia. 44 percent found him honest respondents, the same percentage of respondents described him as responsible. In terms of wise and patriot, Hołownia won 41 and 38 percent respectively. indications. In third place was the candidate of the Confederation Sławomir Mentzen, who in terms of honest, responsible, wise and patriot sees 37, 41, 33 and 30 percent successively. respondents.
A candidate of Law and Justice came in fourth place Karol Nawrocki. 31 percent found him honest. asked, for responsible 37 percent, for wise 28 percent, and for a patriot 26 percent Only the new left candidate Magdalena Biejat came out worse among the five analyzed candidates. Deputy Marshal of the Senate obtained the best results in terms of honest and responsible – 27 percent, as a wise and patriot, and she was described by 24 percent. respondents.
Quoted by “Rzeczpospolita” prof. Jarosław Flis, a sociologist from the Jagiellonian University in the context of results, draws attention to an important issue that can affect the perception of candidates. – Rather, most (people) attribute positive features based on who they sympathize with and who does not. For example, Karol Nawrocki is seen as less educated than Szymon Hołownia, which formally does not correspond to reality – he says. Nawrocki has a doctor's title, while Hołownia has a secondary education.
Source: tvn24
Tusk about the “wisdom” of Nawrocki
Donald Tusk On Thursday morning at a press briefing before departure to the European Council meeting he spoke about the security of Europe and the East shield and the last vote of the European Parliament in its case. In this context, he also cited the results of the poll for “Rzeczpospolita”.
The prime minister admitted that he decided to share them, among others due to “personal satisfaction”. He devoted particular attention to one part of the study. – There were questions about which of the candidates is a patriot. Mr. Nawrocki was indicated as a patriot for 26 percent of respondents. The least from the entire rate of these main candidates. Rafał Trzaskowski 42 percent – said Tusk. The prime minister omitted the result of Magdalena Biejat, which was described by 24 percent. respondents.
Continuing the statement, Tusk also referred to the result of the PiS candidate in the “wise” category. 28 percent recognized him as such. participants of the “RZ” poll. – This is a pretty good result, these 28 percent. In the case of Trzaskowski, it is 47 percent – said the prime minister, without hiding satisfaction with the given data.
The study for “Rzeczpospolita” was carried out on February 27 – March 3 on a group of over a thousand adults declaring their willingness to participate in the elections. CAWI technique was used, i.e. surveys completed online.
See also: Survey: Only three parties in the Sejm, Confederation of PiS catchment
Author/author: JDW // MM
Source: Rzeczpospolita, TVN24
Source of the main photo: PAP