On Friday, October 4, a wave of precipitation moves over Poland. Check where it rains and where the heaviest rainfall is forecast.
Where does it rain on Friday, October 4
– A system of fronts bringing rainfall covers the south-eastern part of the country. There is also more rainfall in the entire southern zone, especially in the mountains and valleys – tvnmeteo.pl forecaster Tomasz Wakszyński informed after 7 p.m. He added that throughout the zone rainfall is continuous, generally light, with an intensity of 1-2 l/m2. per hour.
Currently, it rains most intensively in the Ostrava Valley, on the southern edge of Masovia and in Małopolska (west of Dąbrowa Tarnowska). In these areas, rainfall amounts to 4-5 l/sq m. per hour.
What will be the situation in the coming hours?
Over the next six hours, rainfall amounts are expected to be 8-12 l/sq m. The intensity and intensity of rainfall in a given region varies, it does not rain with one intensity all the time.
Precipitation map and radar
Main photo source: juliasudnitskaya/AdobeStock