Martyna Wojciechowska It belongs to the group of active stars in social media. The traveler willingly shares with her over two million audience photos and recordings from behind the scenes of work, as well as the frames of her daily life. Recently, Wojciechowska returned from one of her expeditions and on March 21 She went to the Gala of the Awards of Mariusz Walter. Team Martyna managed to capture this on film An unusual event that occurred during its preparation for the exit. The main role in a short video a gray cat played.
Martyna Wojciechowska shocked by the behavior of her cat. “He is a corn fan”
On the recording made available on the Wojciechowska profile, we can see how the traveler is painted by the makeup artist, and in his immediate surroundings accompany her during this process Pupile – gray cat and DiUna dog. Clearly more interested in what was happening was the cat, which at some point decided look inside the packaging with nachoswho lay on the table next to Martyna. Then in the blink of an eye Gray wrapped from a packet of one chip and escaped with him under the table. At the same time, Wojciechowska noticed what the cat did and shocked by the turn of the situation interrupted the performance makeup. She bent down to take the gray prey. “God, give away” – said the surprised traveler, and in the background we could hear her laughter of her makeup artist.
“Well, gray is a fan of … corn. Cooked, in the form of popcorn or nachos, which I eat sometimes when nobody sees. And how was your Friday evening? ” – Wojciechowska said a funny recording in the description under the post.
Traveler fans did not hide the amusement of the whole situation. “Probably a small thief”
Under Wojciechowska's post, many positive comments gathered, in which its observers began to laugh at the unusual situation and the “theft” of the cat. “At any time She is ready for diving behind the kitten“,”But I laughed. Gray is a nice player! “,” One crunchy baby regret haha ”,”I think a little thief” – We could read among the entries. On the other hand, many comments were also directed directly to the traveler, praising her appearance.”Beautiful in every edition “,”Martyna wonderful as always“,”Always beautiful and classbut now it is a positive exaggeration, “wrote other Internet users.