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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Speaker of the Senate Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska: Poland is Ukraine's ambassador on the road to the European Union

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The Speaker of the Senate paid a visit to the Polish embassy in Kiev on Friday. Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska also met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba and Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov.

– We are the ambassador Ukraine also to make it happen as quickly as possible member of the European Union. And also for the war to end as soon as possible, said the Speaker of the Senate on Friday Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska at the Polish embassy in Kiev after a meeting with representatives of the Ukrainian government.

– This day is important not only because we are now talking about a security agreement. This is a very good day because our parliaments cooperate very well with each other. We have stable relations with the Ukrainian government and we take joint actions, said the Marshal.

The Marshal gave an example of a successful joint initiative of Ukrainian and Polish parliamentarians. Together with Ruslan Stefanchuk and the presidents of over 20 European parliaments, an appeal was made in February to the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the US Congress, Mike Johnson, to pass a law under which United States would ultimately approve a key aid package for Ukraine worth over $60 billion.

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Marshal of the Senate Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska at the Polish embassy in KievVladyslav Musiienko/PAP/EPA

– This money was transferred to Ukraine, so we can act together. These talks are needed because we realize how important what Ukraine is doing now is, noted Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska.

When asked what the Polish-Ukrainian security agreement would look like, the Marshal replied that the agreement “will be very good and open.” – This will be an agreement guaranteeing such certainty that both our countries will be able to count on each other. This is just the beginning of work on this contract, we are only working on its design. From what I know from employees, these talks are going very well, so let's wait for the results of the work – said Kidawa-Błońska.

The Speaker of the Senate also met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba and Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov.

– These are very important meetings because we need to build good parliamentary and diplomatic support to talk about the problems and crimes committed by Russia – emphasized the marshal.

Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska in KievViacheslav Ratynskyi/PAP/EPA

Szmyhal: we paid special attention to the situation in the energy sector

Prime Minister Szmyhal and representatives of the delegation of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, led by Marshal Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, discussed military support, sanctions against Russia and assistance in providing Ukraine with the necessary energy equipment.

– We have many topics on our cooperation agenda. We talked about military support, European and Euro-Atlantic integration, sanctions against the aggressor, confiscation of Russian assets and development of border infrastructure, said the Prime Minister. As he added, “we paid particular attention to the situation in the energy sector.”

– We are counting on Poland's help in providing the necessary equipment, including generators, modular boilers and gas turbines. We intend to decentralize the Ukrainian energy system to make it less susceptible to enemy attacks, the Prime Minister said.

The head of government thanked Poland for providing ammunition for air defense. -We greatly appreciate the extraordinary level of support for our country from Poland and Poles – he noted.

Main photo source: Vladyslav Musiienko/PAP/EPA

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