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USA. “Manipulated” recordings of Joe Biden are circulating on the Internet. White House: They are “made in bad faith”

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The White House spoke out about recordings circulating on the Internet that are intended to cast doubt on Joe Biden's actual health condition. They show, among other things, how the US president allegedly “freezes” during public events. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre indicated that “desperate” Republicans were behind the recordings and that they were “manipulated.”

On Monday, during a briefing for journalists, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the situation that occurred on Saturday evening during a fundraising event for Joe Biden's presidential campaign. Except the president USA he also participated in it Barack Obama and famous American celebrities, including: George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, Julia Roberts and Jimmy Kimmel.

A recording circulated on the Internet, spread mainly by conservative websites, showing Biden and Obama claiming that he looked confused and needed help from the former head of state. The New York Post said Biden appeared to “freeze” and “had to be led away” by Obama. The recording was quickly used by Biden's opponents as further evidence of his alleged poor health due to advanced age.

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White House: Desperate Republicans are behind the recordings

Many people, however, pointed out that the above situation was a fragment of reality, and Biden smiled for a long time at the gathered crowd applauding. “That tells us everything we need to know about how desperate Republicans are,” a White House spokeswoman said. According to her, instead of substantively assessing Biden's presidency, they spread false, “manipulated recordings that are made in bad faith.”

She emphasized that Obama and Biden “are friends, they are like family to each other and that's what you saw.” The statement that Biden “stuck up” and required help was briefly denied by Obama's adviser Eric Schultz on social media, saying: “it didn't happen.”

Another such video with Biden

During the briefing, Karine Jean-Pierre also criticized other recordings circulating on the Internet, made on Thursday during Biden's visit to Italy at the G7 summit. The NY Post then wrote that Biden “began to walk away during the skydiving demonstration” and other leaders of the group “had to pull him back.”

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who was at the scene, was quoted by the BBC and emphasized that Biden was simply “very polite and went to the other jumpers to talk to each of them individually,” and then Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni told him that they would all line up in line to shake hands.

The video distributed on the Internet is cropped so that the jumpers behind, to whom the US President turned, are not visible. “They used an artificially narrow frame to hide from viewers that (the president – ed.) was just watching a parachute jumping demonstration. He congratulates one of the jumpers and gives a thumbs up,” wrote Andrew Bates, deputy White House spokesman, on social media. The recording published by the “NY Post” was provided by website X with information indicating that “the recording has been cropped.”

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump is 78 years old. Joe Biden extended his “best wishes” to him. “Age is only a number”

Main photo source: PAP/PA

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