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Crossfit is becoming more and more popular, also among people with disabilities

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CrossFit training has been gaining popularity for years. It also has its fans among people with disabilities. CrossFit, contrary to appearances, is an activity beyond barriers. It is a great form of rehabilitation and working on your own weaknesses. On June 22, a competition was held in Krakow that broke all stereotypes.

Huge effort, adrenaline and fierce competition. Saturday's CrossFit competition for people with disabilities provided many emotions. Competitors from all over Poland competed in five categories.

– They definitely give you a lot of adrenaline, great fun, you can also make cool friends through this sport – says one of the event participants. – The competition is very nice and fierce, which makes us very happy that the level is getting higher every year. I wanted to check how my and other people's form was, whether there was still a chance of winning or whether it would be difficult – adds the second participant.

CrossFit is becoming more and more popular in Poland, also among people with disabilities.

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– We noticed that CrossFit is becoming more and more popular among able-bodied people, too, and we wanted to translate this to people with physical disabilities. We have been organizing trainings and competitions in Krakow for six years – this is the third edition – comments RafaÅ‚ PawÅ‚owski, president of the Brak Barriers Foundation.

Crossfit is a great form of rehabilitation

The participants trained regularly to take part in the competition. Some of them have been associated with sports for years. – I exercised three times a week, once at the gym with my personal trainer, I also had training scheduled at home, and I came to the foundation's training sessions – says one of the event participants. – This is a challenge. You can check yourself. You can also meet amazing people who simply fight with their bodies – says another participant of the event.

Such training is a great form of rehabilitation. Contrary to generally prevailing stereotypes, it is not only intended for athletes and able-bodied people. The exercises are demanding, but they significantly improve fitness, which translates into everyday functioning and independence.

– The competition allows you to develop motor coordination and efficiency of a person using a wheelchair – says one of the event participants. – These are varied exercises, endurance, strength and agility, so it has a positive impact on the coordination and health of people with disabilities – says another participant.

Disability does not define another person

As the athletes emphasize, CrossFit is about overcoming the barriers set by the body. Competing not only with competitors, but above all with yourself. – These are such demanding exercises. A lot of shoulder exercises and core exercises, which, unfortunately, are not available in my category. And this was probably the biggest obstacle – admits one of the participants.

The competition showed great determination and commitment. Regardless of the level of physical fitness and the results achieved, the players derived satisfaction from the work they did.

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– I don't know yet which place I took, it's not important. What's important to me is that it's a competition and that I come out of it smiling. and that I could come here and test myself with others is invaluable – says an event participant.

Disability does not define another person, especially their physicality. – They can exercise like able-bodied people. They can lift the barbell. Now there will be a final and they will climb ropes, where, I think, most people, even able-bodied, would have a problem. Despite this physical disability, they are able to do things that not necessarily everyone can do, and thus break such stereotypes – sums up RafaÅ‚ PawÅ‚owski.

Main photo source: TVN24

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