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Warsaw. Parents of the 33-year-old who died on Socrates: It was like murder

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– For me, the punishment will never be adequate because I don't have my child – says the mother of a 33-year-old man who died in an accident on Sokratesa Street in Warsaw over four years ago. Mr. Adam's parents decided to talk about what they had experienced for the first time. Report “Attention!” TVN.

On October 20, 2019, there was an accident that would scare the whole of Poland for a long time. A tuned BMW, which should never have been allowed on the road, was driving towards a family of three at great speed. Mr. Adam died.

Accident to Socrates

For the first time since the tragic accident, the parents of the 33-year-old decided to speak out.

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– We were at AdaÅ›'s this morning. We arrived on Friday, it was our grandson's birthday on Saturday, says Mrs. Elżbieta. And he adds: – When my son said goodbye to me, it was something else. He put his head on my shoulder and hugged me tightly. He said, “Mommy, remember to call tomorrow.”

The 33-year-old's parents were already on their way from Warsaw to Włocławek, where they live, when the phone rang. They heard that their son was being resuscitated.

– I was in great shock. He was just saying goodbye to me in the hall, recalls Mrs. Elżbieta.

Mr. Adam's parents immediately turned back. – I kept looking at my watch. I said to my husband: “God, drive faster.” The other son was sitting in the back and said, “Mommy, daddy can't go faster.” I screamed so much all the way. I thought I was going crazy, admits Mrs. Elżbieta.

At one point, my son, who was sitting in the back, received another phone call.

– I turned to him and asked if they were still resuscitating Adam. And he said: “No, Mom, AdaÅ› is dead.” It was a terrible shock for us, says Mrs. Elżbieta. And he adds: – Four years and six months have passed, and it still sticks with us, our parents. That's why we both decided to perform. We are asking for any justice, because our miracle child, our angel, will never open his eyes again.

Close family relationships

Mr. Adam was a banker, he had his own company, he called his parents every day.

– Our relationship was not only a father-son relationship, but also a friendly one. We traveled together all over the world and Poland. Adam kept coming up with some fantastic ideas – recalls Mr. Mariusz, the father of the late Adam.

When Mr. Adam became a father himself, he went crazy about his son.

– Let this gentleman [sprawca wypadku – red.] now he will explain to our grandson why his daddy is gone. We can't. He asked about it often, less so now. He said: “Grandma, when will daddy come back from the angels?” – says Mrs. Elżbieta.

Grandparents still don't know how to answer such questions from their grandson.

– The child was strapped in a stroller and it flew with the stroller. If it was loose and the child threw it out, it would be worse – says Mr. Mariusz.

– What he did to his son was a massacre. Pulp inside. No organ was whole. The impact was such that he flew up to the first floor – says Mr. Adam's father.

Sokratesa Street was rebuilt

The Socrates accident shocked the inhabitants of Warsaw, officials and politicians. Afterwards, the street where the tragedy occurred was also rebuilt.

What was outrageous was not only the speed at which the BMW was driving, almost three times the speed limit, but also the fact that the perpetrator's car was so modified that it should not have been on the street at all.

– Modifying the braking system, including removing the ABS sensor. Modifying the steering system, which resulted in the front wheels locking, and modifying the suspension system, which resulted in changing the wheel geometry – this is the list of modifications that was read out during one of the court hearings.

7.5 years in prison for the perpetrator of the Socrates accident

– A policeman came up to us and said something I will never forget: “Accidental accident” – recalls Mrs. Elżbieta.

– It was like murder – say Mr. Adam's parents.

The prosecutor's office wanted the perpetrator to be charged with murder with intent, but ultimately the court recognized what happened to Socrates as an accident with a fatal result.

However, what outrages parents the most is one of the fragments of the justification of the appellate court's judgment: “The injured party, by not fully exercising particular caution when crossing the road, (…) contributed only to a small extent to the occurrence of the accident in question.”

– In the court of appeal, the court reduced his sentence and as a reward, waived all his costs. And for what he did, I pay, as does everyone else. For me, the fact that the court waived all his costs is abnormal. This is an encouragement for others – says Mr. Mariusz.

The trial before the court of first instance ended in November 2021. The District Court in Warsaw sentenced the BMW driver to 7 years and 10 months in prison. More than three years after the man's death, in mid-March this year, a final verdict was already passed. The Court of Appeal in Warsaw reduced the sentence to 7.5 years in prison. The Prosecutor General wants the judgment to be cassated.

– It's not about fixing someone for life, but if we stick to certain procedures, maybe someone else will think about it. And now if he tries to leave and probably will, what will be the verdict? – asks Mr. Mariusz.

– For me, the punishment will never be adequate because my child is not here. And even if I didn't know how much he got, it would still be a small punishment. I will never forgive him, says Mrs. Elżbieta. He adds: – We try to live for my second son and grandson, but it doesn't always work out, I miss AdaÅ› so much.

The Prosecutor General wants the judgment to be cassated.

Episode 7503 other reports “Attention!” TVN can be watched on player.pl

Author:Daria Górka

Main photo source: “Uwaga” TVN

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