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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

“There is no possibility of cooperation between the Left and PiS. There is not and there will not be”

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There is no consent to undertake political initiatives with PiS – announced in “Fakty po Faktach” Anna Maria Żukowska, chairwoman of the parliamentary club of the Left, who filed a motion to suspend the MP of the Razem party Paulina Matysiak. This was a reaction to Matysiak's inauguration of the social movement “Yes for Development” in cooperation with the MP of Law and Justice, former deputy minister Marcin Horała.

Matysiak and Horała announced on Thursday on X that initiated the establishment of the social movement “Yes for Development”which is to focus – as they explain – on supporting CPK investments, nuclear power plants and Polish army. They declared that they wanted to “put aside ideological, historical and other differences” in order to engage politicians of various options, organizations and citizens in work on “key investments for Poland's development”.

In response to the MP's decision, the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Włodzimierz Czarzasty informed journalists that the presidium of the Left club – at the request of the chairman Anna Maria Żukowska – suspended Matysiak from the rights of a club member for three months.

Żukowska: there is no possibility of cooperation between the Left and PiS

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Anna Maria Żukowska, asked in “Fakty po Faktach” about this matter, replied firmly: – There is no possibility of cooperation between the Left and PiS. There is not and there will not be. I guarantee this as the head of the Left parliamentary club. She added that this is where her decision to suspend MP Matysiak comes from.

When asked whether this was a “conditional” application, she replied in the negative. She said that “there is no way to revoke this decision.” She mentioned that “at the same time, a motion to exclude her was submitted to the Razem party.” – After three months, we will see the Razem party's decision on this matter. However, there is certainly no consent to undertake any political initiatives with PiS, Żukowska said.

“My role and the role of Minister Kotula is to find a majority.”

Another guest of “Fakty po Faktach”, Urszula Pasławska, vice-president PSL (Trzecia Droga), was asked in the program about the situation in the Sejm, when Marek Sawicki replied to Patrycja Adamska, who wants to adopt children with her partner, that “he doesn't know what the problem is.”

– Marek Sawicki has explained his views many times – said Pasławska. She added that his views “are not a surprise.” She also emphasized that the issue of adoption and adoption (of children) is already a topic that will most likely not be included in this act.

When asked whether the law on civil partnerships should be adopted, it must include a provision on the adoption of children, she replied: my role and the role of Minister Kotula is to find a majority for specific provisions.

When asked if she would support such a bill, she replied that if she did, she would “vote for it.” “I'm interested in taking the first step today,” she said.

Urszula Pasławska: if there is such a law, I will vote for it TVN24

Żukowska, in turn, said that Pasławska is “dedicated to cooperation on topics that are not comfortable enough for her club.” As Żukowska pointed out, Minister Kotula “is doing everything and has done so far” to make it a government project and, as announced by the Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, her work met with his favour. – He confirmed her words that it would be a government project – she said.

She stated that for this to be a government project, “talks must continue.” This will not be an ideal project from the community's point of view LGBT, but this will be a great step forward – she said. As she said, “she doesn't say it's the last one.” – Our goal is marriage equality – she emphasized.

There is no agreement in the ruling coalition regarding the draft law on civil partnerships, for which the Minister for Equality is responsible Katarzyna Kotula. The project, in addition to the Left, is supported by KO and Poland 2050, while its provisions are opposed by PSL. The main point of contention so far has been the provision regarding the adoption of children by same-sex couples.

Main photo source: TVN24

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