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Devices “innovative on a global scale”. What will WOŚP buy with funds raised during the 32nd Finale?

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The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity started purchasing equipment for pulmonology departments using funds collected during the 32nd Finale. This is over PLN 280 million. Jerzy Owsiak spoke on Thursday during a press conference about what exactly will be delivered to Polish hospitals.

“We are starting shopping,” the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity announced on its website on Monday. According to the announcement published by the foundation, it plans to finance the 71st Call for Proposals 364 devices for diagnosing, monitoring and rehabilitating patients in pulmonary departmentsThese will include videobronchoscopy sets, lung cryobiopsy devices, endoscopy cabinets, portable pleural drainage systems, and stationary and bedside X-ray machines.

The equipment is to be delivered to 123 pulmonary departments for adults and 22 departments for children in 120 facilities in Poland. – We buy equipment for everyone. We play for everyone, said the president of WOŚP during Thursday's press conference Jerzy Owsiak. Presenting the foundation's plans, Owsiak also emphasized that the devices purchased by WOŚP will be of high quality. Some of them are to be equipped with artificial intelligence. – We use top-shelf equipment. Thanks to this, we will effectively fight the lung problem after the pandemic, he said.

WOŚP about purchases from the funds collected during the 32nd Finale

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The importance of equipment quality was also addressed during the conference by Prof. Dr. Hab. n. med. Katarzyna Krenke, president of the Polish Society of Pediatric Pneumonology and currently also a member of the WOŚP Expert Committee, which advises the foundation on purchasing. The doctor emphasized that some of the equipment financed by WOŚP will be “innovative not only on a Polish but also global scale”. – The purchases we are making now will significantly contribute to improving the care of patients with lung diseases. (…) They will allow for expanding the scope of diagnostic and therapeutic activities. They will be performed using the most modern, less invasive devices – emphasized Prof. Krenke.

WOŚP conference on the planned purchase of equipmentPAP/Tomasz Gzell

SEE ALSO: The Finale of WOŚP in 45 Seconds. Watch the Video

As Jerzy Owsiak pointed out, the 364 devices indicated during the conference constitute only half of the foundation's planned purchases. WOŚP wants to purchase further equipment in the fall. IN choice all devices are not only members of the foundation, but also medical specialists associated in the WOŚP Expert Commission. On a daily basis, they “work in facilities all over the country,” the foundation reported on its website.

“Lungs after the pandemic” is the theme of the 32nd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The theme of this year's Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity was “lungs after the pandemic“. As part of it, 1,579 headquarters were established in Poland and 101 in the world. Outside the borders, the Orchestra played, among others, in Great Britain, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Spain, Germany, France, Egypt, Chile, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, the United States and Singapore. 120,000 volunteers were involved in the collection. Money was also collected through numerous online auctions. The total amount raised is exactly PLN 281,879,118.07.

SEE ALSO: How much was raised in previous WOŚP finales?

Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has been playing since 1993. For over thirty years, the WOŚP Foundation has been supporting the Polish healthcare system through one-day public collections, known as the Finales: it purchases state-of-the-art medical equipment for hospitals, runs eight nationwide medical programs, implements an educational program, and promotes a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures.

32nd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas CharityTVN24

SEE ALSO: The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in space

Main photo source: PAP/Tomasz Gzell

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