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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Poznań. A new rehabilitation center for children was opened. Jerzy Owsiak: such projects make us most happy

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A new building of the Center for Technologically Assisted Rehabilitation for Children has been opened in Poznań. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity contributed to its construction. – Such projects make us the happiest, they are created almost from scratch – said the president of the foundation, Jerzy Owsiak, at the opening.

The Center for Technologically Assisted Rehabilitation for Children operates in the Wiktor Dega Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital in Poznań. The construction of this place cost over PLN 51 million, the contribution to the construction was European Unionas well as many foundations, including the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, which is why he appeared at the ceremony Jerzy Owsiak. The center is equipped with rehabilitation devices designed especially for children. They combine therapy with fun, for example, they have screens on which the rehabilitated child sees a character that he or she controls by performing exercises, gains points, and reaches subsequent levels. There is also a climbing wall with a special lift that allows children with limited mobility to climb.

Grand opening of the CenterPAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk

Owsiak: We are most pleased with such projects

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– Such projects make us most happy, they are created almost from scratch and are state-of-the-art. This is not a patching of holes, it is not a temporary solution, it is something that will be identical to the best centers in the world today, it is no different and such projects are always in the first place for us – said Owsiak.

Przemysław Daroszewski, the hospital director, admitted that the facility was filled with celebration and joy. – Because this is the end of our hard work. Because not only do we have to find an idea, but we also have to find financial resources – he added. He emphasized that it would not be possible to open a new rehabilitation center building without various support. – And the most important goal for us is to help these people, children with disabilities – he continued.

Main photo source: PAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk

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