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Joe Biden – Donald Trump debate. “I see this as a wake-up call for Poland”

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– I did not watch the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump calmly – said MichaƂ Kobosko, newly elected MEP from Poland 2050, in “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24. As he explained, he sees it as a kind of alarm bell for Poland. – It is the American people who will choose who will be the next president of the United States, so I followed fragments of this debate and comments with great calm – said PiS MP Zbigniew Bogucki.

On Thursday evening, CNN hosted the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. According to the majority of viewers (67 percent), Trump won., and only 33 percent said Biden was the winner. The world's media is mainly reporting on the poor performance of the incumbent president, who failed to dispel doubts about his alleged poor health due to advanced age.

SEE ALSO: US presidential debate: Biden on 'stray cat morality', Trump: I did nothing wrong

MichaƂ Kobosko (Poland 2050), a newly elected MEP, asked in “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24 how he perceived the debate and its possible consequences, replied that it was “as a kind of alarm bell for Poland, because things are bad when the world's largest democracy “is really in a state of political destabilization.”

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– And this is not the only important country in the world and important for Poland that is in such a condition today, because France a few days before elections parliamentary is, one could say, in a similar state, he added.

– A moment when, on the one hand, we have a real war happening just around our corner, and in the largest democracies in the world, because we are also talking about a huge weakening of power in Germanyin Berlin, we are talking about a general sense of destabilization in large democratic countries, such a moment, such a situation as occurred tonight in the United States, is very disturbing for us – he said.

Zbigniew Bogucki and MichaƂ KoboskoTVN24

Kobosko said that he did not watch this debate calmly because “on the one hand there is – what we are focusing on today and it is not surprising – this behavior, let's call it specific of President Biden, but on the other hand we have Donald Trump, who, as it was calculated, he was wrong about 30 times during this debate.

He added that he “brazenly lied to the entire society, to the entire globe.”

– He knows that the facts are completely irrelevant from his point of view. He has always been like that, he has always acted like that and that is why he is a much less credible politician than President Biden, Kobosko said.

– I do not live in such constant fear, which is sometimes heard not only in Poland, but in many European countries: “Trump will come and it will be the end of the world”. This is absolutely not true. However, what is worst for me, what may be associated with the second, if it happens, presidency of Donald Trump, is such a sense of growing uncertainty and nervousness, as if we did not have enough of that in the world – he noted.

He added that Trump is an unpredictable politician.

Bogucki: we should have good relations with the US

PiS MP Zbigniew Bogucki assessed that “it is in Poland's interest to have good relations, both with democrats and republicans.”

– The American people will choose who will be next. President of the United Statesso I followed fragments of this debate and comments with great calm, he said.

Bogucki said that President Biden's health problem is clearly visible. – This is not the first time we have seen such behaviors that indicate health problems and it is very visible. It is not good if the largest country, one could say the most dynamic, is ruled by a person who is not able to act in such a healthy way – he added.

– I think the Democrats see that. You can see that in the comments from the Democrats themselves – he said.

– Regardless of who runs in these elections, because we probably don't know that today after this debate, we should simply have good relations with the United States – he noted.

Main image source: WILL LANZONI/CNN/EPA/PAP

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