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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A unique project by Magda Rdest-Nowak. “You are not alone, you are not alone. Together we can do something”

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Photographer Magda Rdest-Nowak travels Poland as part of the “See more” project. The idea is simple: he takes group photos and then individual photos of women who wear white shirts. These are mainly women who have suffered or are suffering from cancer. People who are struggling with depression or anorexia also took part in the project.

Mrs. Mariola knows perfectly well what it means to be strong. She has breast cancer. Thanks to the photo session on the Vistula Boulevards, she wants to encourage others in a similar situation. – Life goes on. You just have to be happy that we are alive, that we exist – says Mariola, participant of the “See more” project.

Mrs. Edyta also came to the Vistula boulevards in Warsaw. – I wanted to show everyone that despite various diseases, despite our blockades, we should go out to these people – adds Edyta Biemer, participant of the “See more” project.

White shirts are not accidental. This is the hallmark of the photographic project “See more” by Magda Rdest-Nowak. – I assumed that it would be nice to show those people who are actually burdened. Who look just like us every day. Without these white shirts, we pass them on the streets – explains Magdalena Rdest-Nowak, author of the “See more” project.

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Szczylik: Cancer incidence is measured with the awareness that the annual increase is about two or three percentTVN24

To cheer you up

Not only people suffering from oncology are in front of the lens. Also those who face depression or anorexia. People with disabilities also participate in the project. – I am on the autism spectrum. I like singing and I am very happy that I can take part in this project here – assures Tomasz Szal, participant of the “See more” project.

Alexander is also on the autism spectrum. I want to be a photo model. Today, if only for one day, this dream has come true. So much evil around us. So much intolerance. Such unwarranted hate. People have such a tendency – and it comes very easily to us – to pigeonholing, says Magdalena Rdest-Nowak.

Mateusz, a participant in the session, talks openly about his struggles with depression. – Talking about it can help other people who feel really bad, and thanks to that they can also go for help – explains Mateusz SobaÅ„ski, participant of the “See more” project.

This is the second edition of the project in which the photographer travels Poland. He wants to visit 12 cities and take pictures of 365 people. The photographs will be presented online and at local exhibitions. – You’re not alone, you’re not alone. Together we can do something and help each other – says Justyna UchroÅ„ska, participant of the “See more” project.

In addition to beautiful photos, time spent together is also important to them. – The action has a huge therapeutic value. You have to overcome your fears and anxieties sometimes, believes Dr. Adrianna Sobol, a psycho-oncologist. We can help with this: not judging, but supporting.

Main photo source: TVN facts

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