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Abortion in the Sejm – voting on projects, discussion. Politicians' comments

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In the Sejm, where 70 percent are men, the abortion bills will de facto be voted on by them. That's why we propose a referendum, said Urszula Pasławska, vice-president of the Polish People's Party, on TVN24. “Kawa na Ława” discussed the issue of Friday's votes on laws liberalizing the right to terminate pregnancy. – Aren't you ashamed of your old-school friends who have completely medieval views? – Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus from the Left asked the Third Way MP. According to Confederation MP Stanisław Tyszka, we hear “pill, abortion, pill, abortion” all the time from politicians of the ruling coalition.

On Friday, the MPs decided to direct everyone to further work four projects on abortion – two from the Left and one from the Civic Coalition and Third Way.

The parliamentary majority rejected the proposals of PiS and Confederation to immediately end work on changes liberalizing the rules for abortion in Poland. The projects will be dealt with by an extraordinary commission appointed on Friday.

READ: Four bills on abortion. What do they contain?

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This issue was discussed by the guests of “Kawa na ława” on TVN24.

Konwiński: I hope we will end the women's drama

The head of the KO club, Zbigniew Konwiński, emphasized that “for now, we are at the beginning of this work.” – An extraordinary commission has been established to deal with all projects, including ours, which allows termination of pregnancy up to the twelfth week. We will finally end the situation in which a doctor wonders whether he should save a woman's life – he said. – We had protests in Poland, women lost their lives and these were dramatic situations. This was handled by PiS through its agency in the so-called Constitutional Tribunal – he emphasized.

Konwiński noted that “we are absolutely striving for the solutions that were included in our election program.” – The Civic Platform made a decision on this matter over a year and a half ago and it was included as an item on the program – he said.

– I hope that we will end the women's drama that the PiS Constitutional Tribunal has plunged us into – he added.

Konwiński: I hope we will end the women's dramaTVN24

Horała: this discussion is a distraction

PiS MP Marcin Horała said that for him “a law that excludes the protection of the life of certain categories of people is a draconian, restrictive and tightening law.” – And liberal law is one that protects life as much as possible and says that these people cannot be killed – he said.

– I absolutely oppose the manipulation that, as a result of the law currently in force in Poland, doctors have doubts whether to save a woman's life. Based on the currently applicable law, a doctor is obliged to save a woman's life, he emphasized.

According to the PiS MP, “this discussion now only serves to divert attention.” – Firstly, the bill will not pass the Sejm, secondly, it seems to me that Mr. President, if it does pass, he will veto it, and if this does not happen, the Constitutional Tribunal has no other option but to recognize it is considered unconstitutional – added Horała.

Horała: this discussion is only a distraction

Horała: this discussion is only a distractionTVN24

Kolarski: the president has integral views

Wojciech Kolarski from the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland said that “the president has integral views.” – He presented them going to the elections in 2015 and in 2020, getting 10.5 million votes then – he said.

March reminded Andrzej Duda's interview with the correspondent of “Fakty” TVN24, Marcin Wrona. – The President clearly said that he believes that abortion is the killing of an unborn child and, speaking to a group of women MPs at the Presidential Palace two weeks ago, he expressed his attitude to this fundamental issue – Kolarski said.

At the same time, he emphasized that “when the project reaches the president's desk, the president will make a decision.” – I will repeat it like a mantra, because presidential ministers have to repeat it very often – he added.

Kolarski: the president has integral views

Kolarski: the president has integral viewsTVN24

Tyszka: we hear all the time from coalition politicians “pill, abortion, pill, abortion”

Confederation MP Stanisław Tyszka said that “the facts are that six months have passed since the parliamentary elections and four months since the appointment of Donald Tusk's government.” – And we hear all the time from politicians of the Civic Coalition, the Left and PSL: “pill, abortion, pill, abortion, pill, abortion, pill, abortion.” And the question is why? Is it because you don't want to talk about the fact that you didn't keep your promise under the voluntary ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) for entrepreneurs, a 60,000 tax-free allowance, or that you increased VAT on food, and that you will soon increase energy fees? – he asked.

As he emphasized, “it is easier to discuss topics that understandably arouse very strong emotions.” – We can draw the abortion debate in the form of a tree. We all know what everyone will say. It is a triumph of the Left that it managed to include the issue of abortion on its banners within the coalition. And voters have already assessed this in the local government elections, he said.

– For 30 years in Poland there was an agreement that abortion was evil. At this point, we have an attempt by the leftist mainstream media and the coalition to correct the fact that abortion is some kind of good. Do you believe that abortion is good? Because then we would be going in a very wrong direction – he added.

Tyszka: we hear from coalition politicians all the time "pill, abortion, pill, abortion"

Tyszka: we hear all the time from coalition politicians “pill, abortion, pill, abortion”TVN24

Pasławska: a woman will do everything to have a child and will do everything not to have a child

In response to Tyszka's words, the vice-president of the Polish People's Party, Urszula Pasławska, spoke. – A woman will do anything to have a child and she will do anything not to have a child. The state and the law should stand in front of the citizen and create the conditions he expects, but to do this, national consent is needed, she emphasized.

As she added, “in the Sejm, where 70 percent are men, the bills will de facto be voted on by them.” – That's why we propose a referendum – she said.

– One more thing towards my left, my dear friend Joanna (Scheuring- Wielgus – ed.). Instead of complaining and crying out loud that nothing can be done this term, let's take a step forward. Let's break down this whole problem into several steps. Of course, we need to have a new bill under the new president. This is obvious to me. It is obvious that the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal is not a judgment at all, because both the judges there were doubles and the pseudo-president, who is not – in accordance with the constitution – a properly elected president. So let's stop this talk and move one step forward, she added.

Pasławska: a woman will do everything to have a child and will do everything not to have a child

Pasławska: a woman will do everything to have a child and will do everything not to have a childTVN24

Scheuring-Wielgus: Aren't you ashamed of your old-school friends who have completely medieval views?

Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, deputy minister of culture and national heritage from the Left, reacted to these words. – I don't know what criers you are talking about, but we have criers in the Confederation – she said.

– Urszula, we know perfectly well that you support the liberalization of abortion law. Aren't you ashamed of your old-timers, PSL members, who have completely medieval views? – Scheuring-Wielgus asked, referring to the divided PSL-TD club during Friday's votes in the Sejm.

– You couldn't stand it, I see – Pasławska replied.

Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus and Urszula Pasławska TVN24

Scheuring-Wielgus then turned to Stanisław Tyszka. – When Mr. Tyszka says “leftist politicians”, does he think he is offending us? I feel like a leftist, I'm absolutely proud of being from the Left, but from now on I'll call you a fascist and a pro-Putinist, okay? – she said.

– However, when it comes to abortion, Mr. Abortion, abortion is a medical procedure. Just finally understand it,' she added.

Main photo source: TVN24

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