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Asset declaration of judge of the Constitutional Tribunal, Mariusz Muszyński, for 2023

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The Constitutional Tribunal website has published the judges' property declarations for 2023. Some of them have been classified, as was the case with Krystyna Pawłowicz. Judge Mariusz Muszyński has also published his property declaration. It shows that he does not own any real estate, but has savings and two cars. The declaration is illegible and many items cannot be read.

The Constitutional Tribunal website has published the statements for the previous year by: Zbigniew Jędrzejewski, Mariusz Muszyński, Stanisław Piotrowicz, Justyn Piskorski, Julia Przyłębska, Piotr Pszczółkowski, Bartłomiej Sochański, Jakub Stelina, Wojciech Sych, Bogdan Święczkowski and Andrzej Zielonacki.

In case of Krystyna PawlowiczMichał Warciński, Rafał Wojciechowski and Jarosław Wyrembak were informed that their requests to assign the “restricted” classification to their statements had been accepted.

The estate of Mariusz Muszyński

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Judge Mariusz Muszyński's declaration of assets shows that he does not own any real estate.

Mariusz MuszyńskiRadek Pietruszka/PAP

The first entries appear only in the “cash resources” section, where the judge mentioned “approximately PLN 520,000” as well as some savings in foreign currencies – EUR 26, USD 25.97 and PLN 33.99 in Swiss francs.

The above is filled in a bit illegibly, but the values ​​can be read. The problem occurs with the next important section “movable property components worth more than PLN 10,000”. Here, it is only possible to read that Judge Muszyński owns two Mercedes cars.

A similar problem occurs with information about “other additional data on assets”. In this category, you can read statements about income from copyrights, without specifying amounts, and about income from work as a professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. The judge did not indicate the amount, instead he wrote “PIT 37”.

Asset declaration of judge of the Constitutional Tribunal, Mariusz Muszyński, for 2023

Illegible financial statements

The problem of the readability of asset declarations comes up from time to time, most recently a year ago in the case of an MEP PIS and former Prime Minister Beata Szydło. It was widely criticized by opposition politicians of the time, publicists and Internet users. The terms included: about lack of respect for voters, or allegations of de facto an attempt to hide assets. As the lawyer pointed out in an interview with Konkret24, there are no consequences for sloppily completing the asset declaration.

– Polish parliamentarians complete declarations as best they can. Or maybe… sloppy, illegible, incomplete. Unfortunately, the law allows this – explains lawyer Krzysztof Izdebski from the Batory Foundation in an interview with Konkret24. When asked whether someone – for example an employee – sent an illegible statement CBA – may order it to be corrected into a readable version, the answer is “no”. The person inspecting the statements may at most ask the person to clarify certain issues.

You can find more about this in: “As a citizen, I ask for a clear declaration of assets.” Can one be ordered to do so?

Main image source: PAP/Radek Parsley

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