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Central Communication Port (CPK). Maciej Lasek about CPK: we are not giving up on this project, we are making it more realistic

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– We cannot say that we are giving up on this project, we are only making it more realistic – Maciej Lasek, the government plenipotentiary for the Central Communication Port, replied on Monday when asked by journalists about the future of the CPK.

– All key processes have not been stopped, we are continuing to optimize the design of the airport part, i.e. the construction of the airport. We are optimizing the railway part, which means we absolutely cannot say that we are giving up on this project, we are only making it more realistic – Maciej Lasek, the government's plenipotentiary for CPK and deputy minister of funds and regional policy, told journalists, who visited the Szczecin Goleniów Airport on Monday in connection with its planned development.

“Making it real” of the mega airport project

He clarified that the “realization” of the CPK project is to include, among others: the number of passengers, route routes and the order in which individual railway routes are completed. He said that the new concept can be expected “in the next few days”.

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– We are very close to saying what the realistic schedules are and in what stages we will be able to deliver subsequent elements both in the railway infrastructure and in the aviation infrastructure – added Lasek.

– We look at this project much more broadly. Not only from the perspective of transporting passengers by rail to the new central airport in Baranów, but (…) how to create a concept of passenger transport in Poland tailored to the needs – he emphasized.

– I believe that we managed to prepare this project in such a way that it is feasible, unlike the project that was presented by our predecessors. Not only did the CPK employees themselves think it was unrealistic, even in terms of the schedule, but also the advisors who advised the company, he added.

Changing the name of CPK?

Asked by journalists about a possible name change, he replied that “the name is not the most important thing”. He emphasized that the priority is to create new transport infrastructure. – We must remember that the rail element of this project is actually 80 percent of the entire budget – he noted.

– The airport must be ready for acceptance when the capacity of today's domestic airport, which is Chopin Airport, is exhausted, but many elements must be in place: good access to the airport, both by road and rail – said Lasek.

Read more: President of CPK: airport design halfway completed. The company lacks money for more >>>

Central Communication Port

The Central Communication Port is a planned transfer hub between Warsaw and Łódź, which is to integrate air, rail and road transport. As part of this project, an airport would be built 37 km west of Warsaw, on an area of ​​approximately 3,000 hectares, which in the first stage would be able to serve 40 million passengers a year.

The CPK would also include railway investments: a junction in the immediate vicinity of the airport and connections throughout the country, which would enable travel between Warsaw and the largest Polish cities in no longer than 2.5 hours. The investment would enable the creation of over 150,000 new jobs. An Airport City was planned in the CPK area, which would include, among others: fair and congress, conference and office facilities.

CPK between Warsaw and ŁódźPAP/Maciej Zieliński

The CPK company is 100% owned by the State Treasury and is classified as a strategic company from the point of view of the country's interests.

At the end of April this year. Polskie Port Lotnicze said that the real date when the CPK will start operating is 2035. They assessed that the date given by the previous authorities (2028) “was wishful thinking”.

Main photo source: Shutterstock

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