Environmental health and climate change are an extremely important area of contemporary research. From 2021, the Team has been conducting analyzes of health conditions resulting from the exposure of Polish residents to environmental factors and variability of meteorological conditions. The obtained results are of an extremely applied nature; they provide support in the process of adaptation to the ongoing climate change and the basis for strengthening public policies. And all in accordance with the slogan: Learning for thing improving the quality of life of Polish residents.
A broader view of environmental health
The conference aims to popularize the results and the latest research techniques, as well as promoting reliable transfer of scientific reports in the mass media. The event was planned in the form of several lectures by outstanding experts in the field of medicine, analyzes and environmental monitoring; as well as discussions on future educational and legislative activities necessary to build our country's environmental and climate resilience. The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Climate and Environment, the Minister of Infrastructure, the Minister of Health and the Voivode. Masovian. Representatives of public institutions, research centers, organizations and movements for health, climate and environmental protection will take part in the discussion panels. The event is sponsored by Bank Millenium and Stamax.
Main topics of lectures and debates:
- air pollution in Poland
- nationwide statistics of hospitalization of patients with lung diseases
- management of environmental resources in the face of climate change
- increasing population immunity
- building awareness of threats and social education
Why is it worth it? The issue of environmental health is complex, and combining knowledge from many fields provides a broader perspective. The event will also be a good opportunity to establish institutional and inter-organizational contacts and cooperation.
Participation in the Conference is free of charge. It is possible to participate online and follow the broadcast on the CMKP YouTube channel. Prior registration is required via the form available on the conference website: https://cmm.imgw.pl/?page_id=42134 from October 1 to October 20, 2024
Source: Organizer's materials, sekretariatzdrowie@imgw.pl