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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Director of Caritas Polska, Father Marcin Iżycki, suspended

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The spokesman of the Polish Episcopal Conference announced that “Father Marcin Iżycki has been suspended by the chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference from performing the function of director of Caritas Polska.”

As it was reported in Wednesday's announcement by Father Leszek Gęsiak, spokesman for the Polish Episcopal Conference, the suspension of Father Marcin Iżycki from the position of director of Caritas was “requested by the bishop of the Warsaw-Praga diocese, to which Father Iżycki is incardinated.”

The statement added that “this matter is not related to the activities of Caritas Polska, which operates uninterruptedly.”

Profile of the priest Marcin Iżycki

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Fr. Marcin Iżycki has been the director of Caritas Polska since 2017. The decision on this matter was made by the bishops at the 376th Plenary Session of the Polish Episcopal Conference on June 6, 2017.

Father Iżycki was ordained a priest on May 30, 1998. He studied at the PWT in Warsaw, at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University and at the Warsaw School of Economics. In the years 2006-2008 he organized the Aid Work “Ad Gentes”, of which he was the first director. In the years 2004-2013 he lectured missiology at the Major Seminary of the Warsaw-Prague Diocese. In 2007-2008 he was a consultant of the missionary commission of the Polish Episcopal Conference.

priest Marcin Iżycki Rafał Guz/PAP

In the years 2007-2017, he served as Dean of the Customs Service at the Ministry of Finance and chaplain of Customs Chambers in Warsaw, Łódź and Biała Podlaska. He holds the rank of junior customs inspector. In 2016, he was awarded the bronze badge of Merit for the Customs Service, and in 2017 with the “Milito Pro Christo” medal.

In the years 2010-2017 he was a delegate of Archbishop. Henryk Hoser for missions, diocesan director of the Pontifical Mission Societies and director of the Mission Department in the episcopal curia, and in 2011-2017 he was the director of the Mission Societies of the Warsaw-Prague Diocese.

Main photo source: Rafał Guz/PAP

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