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Donald Tusk – new government, swearing in [Relacja na żywo 13 grudnia]

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Politicians of the parliamentary majority go to the Presidential Palace for the swearing-in of the new government. – Even in December it’s spring on the thirteenth. I have always liked this song – wrote Donald Tusk on social media this morning. After the ceremony, the Prime Minister will go to the European Union summit. At tvn24.pl we cover political Wednesday.

Donald Tusk on Tuesday, he delivered an exposé in the Sejm, and in the evening the majority of MPs decided to express a vote of confidence in his government.

Until the new government is sworn in by the president Andrzej Duda It is scheduled to take place on Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the Presidential Palace.

Then Prime Minister Donald Tusk will go to the European Union-Western Balkans summit, and on Thursday and Friday he will take part in the meeting of the European Council.

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  • The bus with the new government set off for the Presidential Palace.

  • Tusk: You have to be optimistic, I hope that the president and I have a common goal, even if we have different paths and experiences, sometimes very different. No one should have any doubts that if you are prime minister or president, you have to serve Poland. I hope everything will be okay.

  • Prime Minister Donald Tusk is heading to the bus.

  • Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski: I expect good cooperation with the president. I believe that there will be no blocking of laws.

  • Izabela Leszczyna: I am full of faith and hope that I can do it. Wish me and all Poles good health. This is an extremely important resort for us.

  • Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk: Very good mood, great sense of responsibility. The change we have been waiting for is happening.

  • Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz: We set off on our tasks, everyone has their own scope of activity. It’s a pity about wasted time.

  • Adam Bodnar about the Grzegorz Braun case:I believe that we have at least four signs of an act.

    The politician pointed to four articles of the Penal Code.

  • Dariusz Wieczorek: We are all aware of the challenges. There will be a lot of work.

  • Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz: We are waiting for funds to invest them well. There is a willingness on the part of the government to cooperate with the president.

  • Paulina Hennig-Kloska: We are going to the palace today with great faith and determination. It took a long time, too long.

  • Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz: Yesterday, in the Sejm, PiS tried to postpone this date until the last minute. Sometimes I feel like they wanted another quarter of an hour of power, but that’s over.

  • New ministers talk to journalists.

  • The new ministers will go to the swearing-in ceremony at the Presidential Palace by a special bus in front of the Sejm.

  • Jan Grabiec (KO), who after being sworn in will become the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, told journalists on Tuesday evening that after being sworn in, “determined, hard work begins.”

    – The Prime Minister will only be in the Prime Minister’s office for a few dozen minutes, because he is heading to the European Council summit, so it will be a very busy day and the following days, including the weekend. A lot of time was wasted, we have to make up for it, he added.

  • Nowacka: Two hours of religion classes are too much. My proposal will be to limit religion classes to one hour paid from the state budget. If the parents’ self-government decides that they would like more, it will be their decision, also financial.

  • Nowacka: Much of the amount of homework that primary school children have is absurd.

  • Nowacka: We will work to rebuild the teacher’s prestige.

  • Nowacka: I wouldn’t want the school to be under party influence. Change in Polish schools is necessary.

  • Nowacka: Donald Tusk offered me the portfolio of Ministry of Education.

  • Nowacka: I enter the resort thinking that I have a lot to do. It doesn’t matter whether I will be a minister for one and a half or four years. This is secondary.

  • Nowacka: These two months of waiting harmed Poland. The first action that every minister will take is a thorough audit of the government’s recent actions.

  • The guest of “Piasecki’s Rozmowa” is Barbara Nowacka – the new Minister of Education.

  • Donald Tusk: On the 13th – it’s spring even in December. I’ve always liked this song.

  • The swearing-in of Donald Tusk’s government will take place at 9 a.m. at the Presidential Palace. Then the Prime Minister will go to the European Union-Western Balkans summit, and on Thursday and Friday he will take part in the meeting of the European Council.

  • Good morning, we invite you to watch the coverage of political Wednesday on tvn24.pl.

Main photo source: TVN24

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