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Five things worth knowing on Saturday, June 15

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The Poles will make their debut at Euro 2024 in the match against the Netherlands. A peace summit devoted to Russian aggression against Ukraine is underway in Switzerland. The disciplinary spokesman of the Supreme Court brought disciplinary charges against the first president of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Manowska, and the Equality Parade took place in the capital. Here are five things to know on Sunday, June 16.

1. Poles' first match at Euro 2024

At 3 p.m., Michał Probierz's players will face the Dutch, who will be the favorites in this match. The Polish national team will start the match without their best player, Robert Lewandowskiwho was injured during a control meeting with Turkey. The referee for Sunday's match will be Portuguese Artur Dias. The clash will take place at the Volksparkstadion, the stadium in Hamburg where Hamburger SV plays its matches. The Polish national team played against the hosts three times and never lost. In a friendly match in 1959 it drew 1:1 and in 2014 0:0. However, in 1971 it was also 0-0 in the European Championship qualifiers.

Poles will then fight for promotion from the group Austria and France.

Read more: The last time we won against the Netherlands was when Touchstone was six years old

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A difficult situation and a plague of injuries before Euro 2024TVN24

2. Summit in Switzerland on Russian aggression against Ukraine

A summit devoted to Russian aggression against Ukraine began in Switzerland. Representatives of several dozen countries agreed that the key was to comply with international law and the United Nations Charter, as well as, among others, ensuring nuclear and food security. The two-day conference co-organized by Switzerland and Ukraine began with opening speeches by leaders from several dozen countries, both European and, among others, from Latin America, Africa and the Arab world.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, assessed that only a peace plan that was well-thought-out and prepared at the forum of the international community could be presented to the Russians. He emphasized that the presence of representatives of about 100 countries and international organizations at the summit is a huge success. After preliminary meetings on Saturday, the leaders gathered in Switzerland will take part on Sunday in three panels devoted to humanitarian issues in Ukraine, food security and nuclear safety. The president will take part in the latter on Sunday morning Andrzej Duda.

Read also: A summit on peace in Ukraine begins in Switzerland. “Russian imperialism must be rebuked”

Peace summit on Ukraine in Switzerland

Peace summit on Ukraine in Switzerland Reuters

The 3rd Equality Parade passed through Warsaw

Participants of the Equality Parade walked in a colorful procession through the center of Warsaw. The event began near the Palace of Culture and Science with a short welcome by the president of the capital Rafał Trzaskowski, who took patronage over the event. According to city hall estimates, about 20,000 people took part in the parade. For the first time in the history of the Warsaw parade, TVN Warner Bros. took part. Discovery with its platform.

Read also: A celebration of freedom, openness and solidarity

4. The first president of the Supreme Court to face disciplinary charges

The disciplinary spokesman of the Supreme Court appointed the first president of the Supreme Court Małgorzata Manowska disciplinary charges – certifying untruth and acting to the detriment of the public interest. In the background of the case there is a dispute within the institution. – She constantly included our votes in the pool of votes abstaining from participating in the college, in a situation where we all consistently submitted declarations that we did not participate in the college – informs Michał Laskowski, judge of the Supreme Court. If Supreme Court finds the allegations to be true, Małgorzata Manowska may even be removed from office.

Read also: President of the Supreme Court with disciplinary charges. In the background there is a dispute within the institution

The first president of the Supreme Court to face disciplinary charges.  In the background there is a dispute within the institution

The first president of the Supreme Court to face disciplinary charges. In the background there is a dispute within the institutionKatarzyna Kolenda-Zaleska/Fakty TVN

5. French marches against the far right

Protests took place in Paris and other French cities against the far-right National Rally, a party likely to win the previous elections. elections parliamentary in France. The organizers of the Paris demonstration said as many as 250,000 participants, but according to the police, 75,000 appeared on the streets of Paris. protesters. The dominant slogans were support for the New People's Front – an alliance established by the left.

Read also: Rallies against the far right in France

Friday protests in Lyon, France

Friday protests in Lyon, France Reuters

Main photo source: PAP/Leszek Szymański

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