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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

France. Emmanuel Macron surprised. “This must change profoundly”

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In an appeal published in the regional press Macron presented his government's balance sheet, noting that it is not perfect. He assured that he “heard” the desire for change, and he promised “stronger and more decisive responses” on issues such as “security and impunity”. He also admitted that “The way we govern must change profoundly.”

Dissolution of Parliament. “In the interest of the country”

The decision to dissolve parliament he justified it, arguing that he had undertaken it after long considerations and, above all, “in the interest of the country”. He assured me that was it “the only possible solution”. As he explained, he could also decide to changing the prime minister, but “it would not solve any problem.”

He admitted that this decision was a surprise and alarming for citizens “anxiety, lack of acceptance and sometimes anger” towards himself. He assured that he understood these feelings.

Emmanuel Macron makes accusations against the right and the left

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Macron argued that extreme rightwhich is leading in the polls, “divides the nation” and “ignores climate change”, and the second opposition political force, the left bloc, plans to “significantly increase taxes” He accused the left of a “lack of clarity” on issues such as secularism and anti-Semitism.

He indicated the third way his Rebirth party with allies, ensuring that it is “best for the country”.

Macron's resignation? Not an option

Macron he ruled out his own resignation in the event of a negative result of the parliamentary elections. He assured that he would remain president, defending values ​​and respect for pluralism, until end of term.

The head of state's appeal was published shortly after polls showing that support for the far right was strengthening a week before the elections. National Union (RN), i.e. the former National Front Marine Le Pen, gets 36 percent. support. Macron's political camp, going to the elections under the slogan “Together for the Republic”, can count on 20 percent. votes, and the left – for a maximum of 29.5 percent.

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''Events'': Poland subject to excessive deficit procedure. The government must look for savings/Polsat News/Polsat News

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