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Saturday, July 6, 2024

French elections. Poll: far-right's chances of absolute majority in parliament are shrinking

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The chances of the far right winning an absolute majority in the French parliament in the second round of elections are decreasing, according to the latest Harris Interactive poll. According to the survey, it can count on 190-220 seats. An absolute majority is 289 seats.

Survey published the weekly “Challenges” on Wednesday. 220 seats are “far from the majority of 289 deputies that would allow Jordan Bardella (head of the National Rally) to take over as prime minister,” the weekly emphasized.

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Jordan Bardella's election posterPAP/EPA/YOAN VALAT

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The New Popular Front (NFP), an alliance of left-wing parties, is in second place in the poll. It could win between 159 and 183 seats. The centrist parties around President Emmanuel Macron could win 110 to 135 seats in the National Assembly (the lower house of parliament).

“Republican Front” Against the Far Right

The figures were announced after the NFP and centrist parties agreed on a strategy to create a “republican front” against the far right, which involves withdrawing some candidates before the second round, leaving room for whoever has the best chance of defeating a RN politician in a given constituency.

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According to “Challenges”, this strategy “seems to be bearing fruit” and may allow to exclude the prospect of RN gaining an absolute majority in the second round. elections July 7.

The research was carried out for “Challenges”, the M6 ​​television channel and RTL radio.

Main image source: PAP/EPA/YOAN VALAT

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