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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Google has a repair for lacking Drive information on desktop

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Google has an answer for the sync difficulty that brought on information to vanish for some customers on Drive for desktop. Sadly, it’s not so simple as a one-click replace, however Google has posted a list of steps you may take to get well your information.

After downloading and opening the most recent model of Google Drive for Home windows or macOS, Google says to run the app’s restoration instrument. To do that, click on the Drive icon within the menu bar or system tray. From there, press and maintain Shift, click on Settings, and choose “Get well from backups.” If all goes properly, you’ll obtain a discover that claims “Restoration has began.” Google will put all of the recovered information into a brand new folder named “Google Drive restoration” as soon as the method is full.

In case you run into any points, Google says you may submit suggestions by means of the Drive for desktop app through the use of the hashtag #DFD84 and ticking off the field that claims to incorporate diagnostic logs. There’s additionally one other method to get well knowledge by means of the command line interface outlined on Google’s help web page, in addition to some troubleshooting choices.

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