This was said by Palikot after leaving the custody: Janusz Palikot claims that he is innocent and the allegations are unfounded. He announced that He will demand compensation. He added that the role of the Polish Financial and Central Supervision Committee Offices Anti -corruption in the whole makes “requires deeper examination”. Palikot's defense is about to listen to “different people”. – There is no such complaint that it was a financial pyramid. Please do not repeat it because I will chase. There is no proof that I got enriched. On the contrary – I was rapidly. I lost my property, I don't have a home. This is a scandal that a man sits four months without any serious accusations – said Palikot.
“I release the cell for Ziobra”: The businessman told journalists that he was coming out of custody “primarily raised with these amazing experiences” and added that “releases the cell for Zbyszek Ziobra”. – I experienced such love from my childrenI have not experienced in the wild is the paradox of this situation (…). I recommend it to everyone a short visit to prison to hear them who they love, call on the other side – said Palikot. – I go out with the love of my children, with the nobility of lawyers and solidarity of cultural creators – he concluded.
Instead of a cell, “smelly dungeon”: Janusz Palikot also complained about the conditions in which he was detained and stated that in prison “there were many things to change. ” a cell in which I collected so much every day dustbecause The cell is from the 19th century, it is a stinking sow – said the businessman.
This is the accused Janusz Palikot: The CBA stopped him on October 3, 2024. The prosecutor's office presented to Janusz Palikot Eight allegations – seven of them concern a suspicion of fraud, and one appropriation. Palikot was to lead to adverse disposal of the property of several thousand people for the amount of nearly PLN 70 million. In addition, the suspect was supposed to appropriated alcoholic beverages belonging to a company worth five million zlotys. For the crimes that the former MP is suspected, he faces up to 20 years in prison
More You can read about Janusz Palikot's problems in the article “1000 creditors and unsold Actions. New information about the case of Janusz Palikot”
Sources:, Polsat News