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Jadwiga Emilewicz’s husband in the Supervisory Board of Orlen Asfalt. The opposition talks about another “fat cat”

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According to the findings of Wirtualna Polska, Marcin Emilewicz – Jadwiga Emilewicz’s husband – has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Orlen Asfalt since May. The oil giant ensures that Emilewicz meets all requirements and has competence. The opposition talks about another fat cat, especially since this is not Emilewicz’s first job in a state-owned company.

Before the rule of PiS, Marcin Emilewicz was a contractor for Grupa Azoty, but after PiS came to power, he got a job there. He left there when the company came under the supervision of the Ministry of Development, where his wife, Jadwiga Emilewicz, was the deputy head at the time. However, this was not the end of his career, on the contrary, because it was then that everything accelerated rapidly.

Emilewicz worked for a while in a fund established by PZU, then he went to Orlen, and in the spring – as established by Wirtualna Polska – he got a job at Orlen Asfalt, Orlen’s daughter company. He is a member of the supervisory board there. The Civic Coalition says that this is a reward for Jadwiga Emilewicz joining the PiS team after the collapse of the Agreement.

– If PiS wants her to continue voting, it is for her the portfolio of a minister who is doing nothing for now, and for her husband a better company – comments Izabela Leszczyna, an MP from the Civic Coalition.

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Emilewicz had already explained that her husband got the job because he had the right skills, not because of connections. Orlen also emphasizes that Marcin Emilewicz meets all the requirements, but the acceleration of his career under the rule of PiS cannot be overlooked.

Before taking up his newest position, Emilewicz had to obtain a positive opinion from the Council for companies with the share of the State Treasury and state-owned legal persons. Its members are appointed by the Prime Minister and the Minister of State Assets, colleagues of Jadwiga Emilewicz from the government. Despite this, PiS claims that the families of politicians are not privileged.

– At the moment, I do not see any privilege here, because private business often earns more than state-owned business – says Kazimierz SmoliÅ„ski, MP from the Law and Justice party.

Jadwiga Emilewicz’s husband has a new jobTVN24

However, many people associated with PiS or families of politicians choose jobs in state-owned companies and do not earn little there – these are very well-paid positions. Meanwhile, PiS says that since unemployment is low, it is not a problem.

– Under the previous government, as it was 12-13 percent. unemployment, it was indeed an advantage that it was possible to find a job in the state-owned business, and at the moment there is no problem with employment. Everyone can work in private and state-owned businesses, points out SmoliÅ„ski.

When we ask whether, for the purity of the situation, such careers of politicians’ families in state-owned companies should be avoided, we hear: “you should have asked this question when the opposition was in power”, “everyone works somewhere and performs work in accordance with their competences”.

Fat Cat Syndrome

Jadwiga Emilewicz’s husband is a political scientist. He has experience in state-owned companies, but he gained it during the rule of PiS. – Another fat cat on the list of fat cats of Law and Justice – comments Marta Golbik, MP from the Civic Coalition.

"Fat cats".  Izdebski: Kaczyński allows such actions in gratitude for a certain loyalty and passivity

“Fat Cats”. Izdebski: KaczyÅ„ski allows such actions in gratitude for a certain loyalty and passivityTVN24

The president of PiS JarosÅ‚aw KaczyÅ„ski himself spoke about the syndrome of “fat cats” and announced the fight against this problem. The opposition recalls the president’s words and believes that the party’s struggle has definitely failed. – It is necessary to depoliticize state-owned companies, to introduce clear, transparent competitions, so that such stories will not repeat themselves – proposes Magdalena Biejat, MP of the Left.

See also: The platform holds PiS accountable for nepotism. She rolled out a roll of “fat cats”

Szymon HoÅ‚ownia proposes the National Register of Publicly Exposed Persons. – Anyone who is to be employed in a management or supervisory board will be able to be verified on the Internet whether he or she is a relative of an active politician – explains the leader of Poland 2050.

The register would include not only state-owned companies, but also local government companies. Hołownia talked about it in Puławy, where Zakłady Azotowe, owned by the state-owned Grupa Azoty, is the largest employer there. On this occasion, the politician also presented a list of Grupa Azoty management members who had donated to the PiS account.

Not only in Grupa Azoty, but in many other state-owned companies, people associated with PiS transfer part of their high earnings in a fairly coordinated way to the account of Law and Justice.


Main photo source: TVN24

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