MP of the Civic Coalition Agnieszka Pomaska and Deputy Minister of Education Joanna Mucha from Poland 2050 in the program “Kropka nad i” on TVN24 commented on the falling support for the PiS candidate Karol Nawrocki and the growing popularity of the confederation candidate Sławomir Mentzen. Mucha assessed that the so -called five Mentzen was given “seriously”, but also warned about one of his announcements.
According to survey opinion24 Most respondents (36.3 percent) would vote for Rafał Trzaskowski from the Civic Coalition. The candidate of Law and Justice Karol Nawrocki would come second, for whom 20.4 percent of respondents declared their desire to vote. Confederation candidate Sławomir Mentzen would get 18 percent of votes. Compared to the previous one poll Trzaskowski has gained 1.4 percentage points, while Nawrocki has a result of 3.7 points lower. Mentzen's result increased by 4.4 percentage points.
MP of the Civic Coalition Agnieszka Pomaska, asked in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24, or an impact on the decline in the candidate's quotations PIS He could have had the fact that he wrote a book under a nickname, and then in an interview he praised Karol Nawrocki, said: – Karol Nawrocki was to be a civic candidate, and proved above all a frivolous candidate. – The fact that he had a double identity is one thing, but that as (Tadeusz) Batyr praised Nawrocki, it is really funny and ridiculed him as a candidate – she added.
Read also: Nawrocki with Nawrocki about Nawrocki. “He inspired me”
The MP pointed out that Karol Nawrocki is also not a civic candidate, because the funds for his campaign are collected by Law and Justice politicians. “(Nawrocki) heads along the path to ordinary ridicule,” she said.
Read: “Nikos”. Nice bandit. A fragment of the unpublished interview with Nawrocki
Source: tvn24
Mucha: Poles do not buy a version of patriotism sold by Nawrocki
Deputy Minister of Education Joanna Mucha from Poland 2050 drew attention to the survey conducted by ARC Rynek and Opinion, in which respondents were asked, among others, whether they consider a candidate to be a patriot.
See also: Survey. What should the president be? Tusk comments with “personal satisfaction”
– Karol Nawrocki in this survey had very low marks, i.e. Poles do not buy the patriotism that he sells. This is some unhealthy fascination with a underworld, mafioses, neo -nahoids, people convicted of pimping, beating, for terrible things – she calculated.
Joanna Mucha pointed out that Karol Nawrocki “sells these people as patriots.” “My vision of patriotism is dramatically different,” she assured.
Source: tvn24
Mucha: Mentzen “offers something that is extremely dangerous”
Joanna Mucha, paying attention to the growing support for the confederation candidate Sławomir Mentzen, admitted that “it is not that we have nothing to worry about, because in fact, far -wing parties have watches completely going beyond the classic democratic canon of views and this is absolutely dangerous.”
– Unfortunately, this happens not only with us, but throughout Europe and also overseas – she added.
The MP proposed to the supporters of Sławomir Mentzen to listen to “the whole fragment when he talked about five mentzen.” – It was serious and these are his real views he presented at the time. Now, when he gets out of it, he says they were some poll samples. Not true, these were his real views – she said.
Source: tvn24
She pointed out that Sławomir Mentzen “proposes something that is extremely dangerous.” “He proposes de facto governing the country with the help of cabinets, i.e. proposes obstruction,” she assessed. She explained that the confederation candidate during election meetings ensures that he would use this tool, “to rule the country and says that he will do it often”.
See reportage: The world according to Mentzen
Pomaska: Tusk, Sikorski and Trzaskowski “This will be an example for all of Europe”
– We live in very restless times and we need a president who will guarantee security and a sense of security, which will be a partner both in the European Union and in the United States or Canada – said Agnieszka Pomaska.
– Imagine who will sit next to Donald TrumpPrime Minister of Canada or European leaders and imagine what Rafał Trzaskowski's conversations would look like, and how to talk Mr. Mentzen or Mr. Nawrocki. Here we are talking about a gap, also if we talk about experience in politics, and it is key – she emphasized.
MP of the Civic Coalition expressed faith that the Prime Minister Donald Tusk, minister Radosław Sikorski And President Rafał Trzaskowski “will be the highest superliga and an example for all of Europe.”
Source: tvn24
Author/author: Asty/kg
Source: Tvn24
Source of the main photo: Tvn24