– The allegations of the Justice Fund are very serious. Today we have moved from the investigation stage to the stage of directing the indictment – said Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, senator of the Civic Coalition in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24. PiS MP Marcin Horała assessed that here “it is not about clarifying the matter, but about the PiS to show some PiS in handcuffs”.
The prosecutor's office sent to the Warsaw District Court An indictment against six people, including the president of the Father Michał Olszewski Father Foundation, regarding the Justice Fund – spokeswoman of the Prosecutor General Anna Adamiak informed. She also reported that the Prosecutor General submitted another application to the Sejm to repeal the immunity to the former deputy minister of justice, MP Marcin Romanowski, in order to present him with further allegations in the case of the fund.
Horała: The prosecutor's office is not about clarifying the matter
Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, senator of the Civic Coalition and former Minister of Justice, and Marcin Horała, discussed this matter in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24 PiS MPformer deputy minister of infrastructure, funds and regional policy.
According to Horała, “the prosecutor's office is not about clarifying the case, it is not about gathering evidence, but about the so-called PiS-man showing in handcuffs.” – This is the only goal. All documents are in the hands of the prosecutor's office, because the Justice Fund was subject to the Ministry of Justice. Key people in this proceedings were kept in mining arrests for many months and there, moreover, harassed there in an absolutely scandalous way – said PiS MP.
– And finally, after a year, some more allegations, acts (accusations – ed.) Were born. Let the court speak, because at this stage the credibility of the prosecutor's office is absolutely zero – he assessed.
Kwiatkowski: An absolutely fundamental thing has become
Krzysztof Kwiatkowski said that the prosecutor's office brought “very serious allegations” in the case of the Justice Fund. – Today it has become absolutely fundamental. Why? We went from the investigation stage to the act of directing the indictment – he added.
As he continued, on Tuesday, public opinion learned new things about the former deputy minister of justice Marcin Romanowski.
– For example, we did not know this – it sounds like a sensational story – that Marcin Romanowski did not have attorney in November 2023, because they had expired, and he, as the deputy minister (justice – ed.), Continued his decisions. He wanted to illegally transfer over PLN 20 million to entities completely unauthorized and not meeting requirements, although he did not have the right to do so – specified the Senator KO.
Kwiatkowski also said that Romanowski, “who made decisions on the non -underpass, without authorization, who repeatedly said that he was at the disposal of the justice system, when it was possible to stand before this justice dimension, he escaped where the pepper is growing, that is, to Hungary. ” Thus referred to the fact that PiS politician obtained from Hungarian political asylum.
Horała: Romanowski lost his faith in an honest trial
Horała in response to Kwiatkowski's words said that he would like this case to be examined by “an objective, independent prosecutor's office” and that he would be resolved and examined to the DNA by “an independent court”.
– Unfortunately, as a result of the political actions of the current illegal national prosecutor and the prosecutor's office subordinate to him, it probably will not be like that – he said. – Because here so many times in the meantime the procedure was broken, (…) that I am not surprised, that Minister Romanowski finally lost faith that he has a chance for a fair trial in Poland in its current legal status – said PiS MP.
Horała: Romanowski lost his faith for an honest trialTvn24
Kwiatkowski: Ziobro did not appear on time, the Commission had the right to make such a decision
Guests of the program also discussed the situation of Friday and the attitude Zbigniew Ziobraas well as members of the PEGASUS inquiry commission. The commission was to question Ziobra, but this did not happen. According to the court's decision, the police detained a MP after 10.30 in order to bring before the commission. However, because Ziobro did not appear at a time meeting – the beginning of the meeting was designated at 10.30 – the Commission adopted the application to initiate the procedure for applying a 30 -day detention penalty to him.
– It is this committee who escaped from Zbigniew Ziobro when she could interrogate him and quickly ended the meeting so that he would not have to reach this meeting by accident – commented Horała. He added that this commission “should simply not work”.
Senator Kwiatkowski also talked about this matter. – The commission started working at 10.30. At 10.30, Zbigniew Ziobro was majestic at the top of the escalator on Telewizja Republika, not before the commission. Commission members have autonomous decisions. If I were a member of the committee, I would rather wait and interrogate him. But today I will not settle members of the committee, because the one who did not appear was Zbigniew Ziobro – said the guest of TVN24.
Source of the main photo: Tvn24