However, I would prefer a person in the chair of the president who will write a biography of famous Polish authorities, not members of criminal organization – said MP KO Witold Zembaczyński. He referred to the biography of the Gdańsk gangster “Nikosia”, which was written by PiS candidate for president Karol Nawrocki. Senator PSL-road Michał Kamiński said that “Nawrocki is fascinated by himself.” PiS MP Waldemar Andzel praised the content of the publication, although he admitted that he did not read it.
As Onet journalists revealed, Karol Nawrockiunder the pseudonym Tadeusz Batyr, published a biography of gangster Nikodem Skotarczka pseud. “Nikoś” eight years ago and since then he did a lot to hide that he was its author. Tadeusz is the middle name of Nawrocki, and “Batyr” means “warrior”.
In 2018, Nawrocki – as Batyr – went to an interview to TVP in camouflage. His voice was changed and his face was blurred. In an interview, Batyr praised Nawrocki, or rather rather – Nawrocki himself. Because – as the journalist said in an interview: In the book, Batyr referred to “the research of the historian, Dr. Karol Nawrocki”. – Yes. He is actually a historian who inspired me to my work, the first who dealt with issues of organized crime in the PRL – said Batyr.
The fact that the actual author of the publication is the candidate of Law and Justice for the President was first informed by the portal Wpolityce and the associated television WPOLSCE24 on Thursday, March 13.
Andzel: It's good that he described it
Waldemar Andzel was asked for an opinion in a case written by Nawrocki. – It is good that he described it and it is very good, because it shows a real face, not in the way a movie was shot, where you are whitewashing such a gangster as “Nikos” – he said.
When asked whether he read Nawrocki's book, the MP denied. Asked, how does he know that there is a “real face” “Nikosia”, he replied: – Real, because he is based on documents to which (Nawrocki – ed.) He had access.
He added that the questions about why Nawrocki wrote under a pseudonym should be directed to himself.
Kamiński: Karol Nawrocki goes to the president fascinated by the figure of the Polish gangster
The Senator PSL-the road on Nawrocki also took the floor. – We had politicians who went to the Presidential Office fascinated by Piłsudski, we had politicians who went fascinated by the figures of our history. Karol Nawrocki goes to president fascinated by the figure of a Polish gangster – he said.
– In addition to the Polish gangster, Karol Nawrocki is fascinated by himself. Damn good company – added Kamiński.
Kamiński: Karol Nawrocki goes to the president fascinated by the figure of the Polish gangsterTvn24
Trela: Would Poles like to have a president who interact with gangsters?
Left MP Tomasz Trela, asked by Adamek, as assessed by Karol Nawrocki's behavior, he replied: – It is both funny and terrible, because the one who has his nickname, even artistic, that is, he is afraid of his name. And the one who writes a book about a gangster means that he stayed with this gangster, knows this environment and feels very well in this environment – he said.
– From Nawrocki to the nickname Nawrocki and gangster there is a short way and unfortunately he has such a candidate Law and Justice For the president and I think it also opens the eyes to people. Here is an apartment of love, here a gangster, here “Nikos”, (…). The question is with whom he in this Love Apartment metbecause maybe he wrote a book there or collected materials for this book – he said.
He added that it is “too scary to sleep peacefully”. – Would Poles like to have a president who communicates with gangsters? I think no – he assessed.
Trela about Nawrocki: The one who has his nickname, even artistic, it means that he is afraid of his nameTvn24
Zembaczyński: The question is whether this fascination is something deeper
MP KO Witold Zembaczyński, asked by Adamek about whether he read the book by Tadeusz Batyr, replied that “fortunately he missed him with a wide arc.”
– It is a pity that this masterpiece is defective, because it is already known that some characters from the surroundings of the main character of this book, a well -known Polish gangus, have been omitted by Karol Nawrocki, perhaps due to the fact that these characters are associated with the boxing club, in which Karol Nawrocki drags others after the mouth – he said.
Zembaczyński estimated that Nawrocki's decision to write a book under a pseudonym and interviewing anonymously is “a kind of fascination, which is also a reason for shame.” – Books can be written on any subject, the only question is whether this fascination is something deeper – he assessed.
The TVN24 reporter pointed out that Nawrocki is not the first person who decided to write a biography of a person like “Nikosia”. – However, I would prefer a person in the chair of the president who will write a biography of well -known Polish authorities, not members of criminal organizations – he said.
Source of the main photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański