It's no secret that stars alter their photos on social media. And not only them – let the one who never corrected the frame before publication cast the first stone. However, Internet users do not miss the opportunity to accuse celebrities of excessive work with graphic programs. Such allegations have recently been made against Kayah.
Kayah boasts about her achievement. There's a scandal about retouching in the comments
Kayah she made her debut on stage in the 1980s, and since then she has achieved a very considerable musical achievement. As it turns out, the artist's career became an inspiration for one of the students of the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Nysa, who wrote his bachelor's thesis about her. The proud star boasted that its title was “Genre diversity of Kayah's work and its influence on music in Poland.” Kayah announced everything on Instagram, adding a photo with the author of the bachelor's degree about her. The news quickly circulated in the media, and the case was covered by, among others, “Nowa Trybuna Opolska”, also publishing common photo of Kayah with a student of the university in Nysa.
And although the comments included a few words of congratulations to the author of the work, the lion's share of Internet users focused on the singer's appearance. The post was full of accusations that the star went too far with the retouching. More malicious Internet users even claimed that Kayah was almost unrecognizable in the published frame. “This lady has worked very hard on her face,” “Is that it?” Katy Perry?”, “This is Kayah? I also take nicer photos of myself on Facebook, but I'm still hard to recognize,” they write in the comments.
This is not the first time Kayah has faced accusations of photo manipulation
Not so long ago, Kayah was also inundated with comments accusing her of not looking like herself in the photos. The star then took part in a session for “Elle” magazine she shared its effects on Instagram. Kayah herself was delighted with the photos. “To be honest, I don't like photo sessions. But if @pporebsky is on the other side of the lens, I have no questions,” she signed the post.