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Monday, July 1, 2024

King Charles and Prince William cancel official events. “They send sincere apologies.”

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King Charles III has canceled his visit to Cheshire planned for this week, the BBC reports. Newsweek adds that Prince William also canceled planned public activities. The decisions are related to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's announcement of the House of Commons elections.

The British Prime Minister set a deadline elections for July 4th. Sunak announced that he asked King Charles III for formal consent to dissolve Parliament, and the monarch expressed it. – Now is the time to do so Great Britain she chose her future. In these elections, you must choose who has this plan, who is prepared to take the bold actions necessary to ensure a better future for our country and our children, said the Prime Minister.

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The king and heir to the throne cancel official events

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According to the BBC, King Charles canceled his visit to Cheshire planned for this week following the announcement of the elections. On Friday, the monarch was to visit the British luxury car manufacturer and then the St. Paul helping people struggling with financial difficulties. Buckingham Palace officially announced that both visits will not take place. “Following the Prime Minister's announcement announcing the general election, the Royal Family will, as usual, postpone any meetings that may appear to be a distraction or diversion from the election campaign. Their Majesties send their sincere apologies to anyone who may be affected by this situation.” we read in a statement quoted by the media in the UK.

For similar reasons, the heir to the throne is also canceling his upcoming activities, Newsweek reports. With much of the monarchy's business postponed until after the July 4 vote, Prince William will gain more than a month for his family – including his wife, who is battling illness.

King Charles, who is still undergoing treatment for his recently diagnosed cancer he returned to some of his duties. As the BBC assures, it will still take part in planned large events, such as celebration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day – i.e. the Allied landings in Normandy, which will take place next month.

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Main photo source: PAP/Abaca

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