Source: tvn24
Cornelia was 16 on the day of the murder. – I am asking the court, that the penalty would be sharper, that the descendants know what they are dealing with. The perpetrators knew what they were doing – the father of teenagers murdered five years ago in the Court of Appeal. Kornelia thought she was going to celebrate a friend's birthday. However, she never came home again. She was murdered by a few friends and her body was buried in the forest near Konstancin.
The verdict regarding the murder of 16-year-old Kornelia was passed in June 2022 in the District Court in Warsaw. Patryk B. and Martyna S. were sentenced to 25 years imprisonment. However, all the parties did not agree with this judgment, and the case again came to the court.
At Tuesday's trial in the Court of Appeal, the defenders of Martyna S. requested the need to supplement the opinions of expert psychiatrists and psychologists regarding the accused. In their opinion, there is a need to determine, “what was the personality of S. as at the day of the act accused of her”. The accused was 17 years old. – Today we look at the accused after five years. This is a completely different person – argued S.
– In my opinion, repeating these activities five years after the act is at this point pointless – said prosecutor Szymon Banna from the District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw. He emphasized that the opinion in this respect, according to investigators, “is complete, there are no contradictions in it, it is compatible with evidence gathered in the case and with the opinions of expert psychiatry doctors.”
Judge Rafał Kaniok dismissed the applications of the defendant's defenders. He also pointed out that, according to the Court, there are no grounds for interviewing experts, and their opinions from July 2021 “are clear and non -prominent, they do not require supplementation.” In the justification, the court argued that although several years have passed since the opinion, they did not change the situation. ” – The procedure does not know such a thing as listening to experts at the request of the defense – the court pointed out.
“I'm sorry I couldn't help her”
Martyna S. also gave her statement – I was badly received before the District Court. I wanted to turn to Kornelia's parents. I wanted to apologize that I could not help her then – she said in the direction of K.'s parents who were present in the hall of K., Kornelia's parents. However, the woman spoke so quietly that the court repeatedly asked her to repeat the words. Finally S. was led by policemen closer to the barrier, where she was broken from handcuffs. “I wanted to apologize with all my heart, I know that you can't forgive what happened,” she added. She noted that during previous hearings she thought that the apology had to be directed to court. That is why she pointed out today that she was directly addressing K.
The pages also gave their final speeches.
– In this matter we are dealing with a tragedy of three families that this event affected. This case and this event caused a kind of mark on each of these people, but also on their families – said the defender of Martyna S. Patron also argued that the attitude of the accused from the very beginning showed one version of this event. In her opinion, the first instance court, however, based its decision on the version, which was presented by Patryk B., and as she reported, it was to change at least four times.
The defender also argued that S. was to be previously presented as a demoralized person only because she had tattoos. – Should we show society that the court does not agree on this type of crime? What is the purpose of such a high, repressive penalty of 25 years imprisonment? she asked.
The court also asked to reconsider the case through the prism of the minor, which she was accused at the time.
The defender Patryk B., in turn, reminded that the accused pleaded guilty. – This is not a tragedy of three families. It is a tragedy of one, family of the victims, “he said, referring to the words of the defender Martyna S. – it's just a consequence of deeds. The accused confessed to this act, he must suffer the consequences and the only problem that we encounter with the accused is a matter of the size of the consequences – he said. In his opinion, “punishment cannot be retaliation, but it must be a fair repayment.”
– The social impact of punishment cannot be the same as satisfying the needs of society. The punishment cannot have this goal – said the patron. In his opinion, life imprisonment should be used exceptionally. As he said “in relation to deeply demoralized perpetrators and in the case of which the penalty of timely imprisonment would not meet these goals.” – I believe that the accused B. can still be resocialized that he can be allowed to return to society after serving a sentence – said the patron.
The murder of 16-year-old Kornelia. The accused faced court
Prosecutor's office: We are not dealing with a tragedy, but with a crime
Prosecutor Banna: – We are not dealing here with a tragedy, but with a crime. And a high court was appointed to judge the crime. I also have the impression that (…) we pay too accurate attention to the internal life of the accused themselves. In my opinion, when considering this case, you should focus on facts, decod the intentions of the perpetrators.
The prosecutor also presented the course of the event established by investigators. He reminded that in April 2020, after a few months of searching, a 16-year-old woman found a found body in the forest in Oborskie. Cornelia K. turned out to be an inspection on site and then research at the Department of Forensic Medicine. “The woman had a neck injury, a shot in her head and soil in the lungs,” he pointed out.
Banna pointed out that the first suspicions of investigators turned out to be correct. – The closest friends of Kornelia K. turn out to be suspected, who, wanting to enter the drug trafficking market, decide to eliminate the competition that Kornelia K allegedly was supposed to be for them. For this purpose they also arrange a birthday party – said the prosecutor.
Patryk B. and Martyna S. were to proceed to the implementation of their plan, but he did not go to the end. Pneumatic weapon, which Patryk B. directs towards Kornelia does not burn. And this was the first – according to the prosecutor's office – a sign that the situation could still be turned into a cruel, but still – a joke. – Patryk B. begins to catch Kornelia K. from behind, moving to actual stewing. Martyna S. shoots her three times with pneumatic weapons in the head – continued the prosecutor.
According to the prosecutor's office B. and S., they then placed the body of the victim in the grave, which they had previously prepared, and then cover it with soil. They were also supposed to take Korneli's things, and the accused, in order to blur the traces, sends a text message to the boy of Kornelia that she was breaking with him. “Then, as if nothing, they take part in the life of the community, pretending to be worried and ignorance about the disappearance of Cornelia,” Banna added, pointing out that these are the facts that the first instance court has already established.
Still alive at the bottom of the death
The representative of the auxiliary prosecutors also referred to how Kornelia died. – My client, still alive, moving in this death, was covered with earth, there was a sudden suffocation – he said. According to him, this act deserves a change in qualification for a stricter – for murder with particular cruelty. – This murder was not to be a scared of anyone before functioning on the drug trafficking market, but it was to be the initiation of the criminal life of the accused – says the attorney. He also called the crime a “macabre game” with Kornelia and luring her (to the forest) in a “particularly cruel” way.
The proxy also referred to the words of the accused, which fell on Tuesday in the courtroom. – She apologized, but not for killing, but because she could not help her (Cornelia). Such a repentance, which is the implementation of the defense line, does not go to my clients in any way – he said.
– Cornelia would probably be after the high school graduate today, she could probably study, take a job. She could help her parents, she could support her younger brother, for her grandparents, she could realize her plans and dreams. But unfortunately he can't do it because the accused decided to deprive her of her life, enter the criminal path. This crime requires severe punishment. Not overly harsh, but harsh – explained the representative of K.
The victim's father also took the floor. – Kornelka was 16 on the day of leaving the house. She was invited by the perpetrators. This is not about a tragedy, it's about murder. Depriving someone's life is murdering someone. Someone who can plan and come up with something like this … This is unthinkable – he said. – I do not agree with the court judgment that the accused have the opportunity to leave the prison walls after 15 years. I am asking the court that this punishment would be sharper, that the descendants know what they are dealing with. The perpetrators knew what they were doing – he noted.
The court admitted that the case “is difficult” and appointed a verdict for February 5.
The grave in the forest was already prepared
Martyna and Kornelia met in autumn 2019 at the Vocational School Complex in Góra Kalwaria. The future victim was to be popular. Martyna S. has been meeting Patryk B. who was nine years older at the time for a year, it follows that the couple wanted to start their own drug business, and in 16-year-old Kornelia they saw uncomfortable competition. Then they decided to implement the macabre plan.
B. previously dug the grave in the forest at the Oborskie Łęga reserve. He asked a friend to bring Kornelia and Martyna to the forest. He offered him 50 zlotys for it. Kornelia thought she was going to celebrate the 17th birthday of a friend from school. They were supposed to shoot a windbreaker in the forest, drink alcohol and have fun. At some point – as investigators determined – Patryk B. shot at Kornelia from the windbreaker, but the weapon did not burn. The girl first thought it was a joke. A moment later the man began to choke Cornelia. Later, Martyna S. shot the victim from the windbreaker three times, aiming at the head. Finally, Patryk B. hit the victim with a shovel. They threw the body down and then buried. They also scattered her things.
Before the couple destroyed a mobile phone belonging to Kornelia, they wrote to her boyfriend a message about the content “with us end” as a response to a series of missed connections. They were also seen on the day of the murder at approx. 21, when Martyna wrapped a bleeding hand wound under the pharmacy. They agreed on the version of the events they presented during the search for teenagers. Their accounts showed that the girl parted with them on a mysterious phone and disappeared.
A stroller came across a corpse in this place
Source: Mateusz Szmelter /
Source: Mateusz Szmelter /
Source: Mateusz Szmelter /
Source: Mateusz Szmelter /
Source: Mateusz Szmelter /
Source: Mateusz Szmelter /
Source: Mateusz Szmelter /
Source of the main photo: Mateusz Szmelter /