The Poviat Veterinary Inspectorate in Krotoszyn announced that three bonfires of bird flu were found on farms in the village of Orla. – You need to utilize over 300,000 pieces of poultry- said veterinarian Ewa Bień-Krzyśków.
The bird flu virus was detected on three farms in the village of Orla in the Krotoszyn poviat (Greater Poland Voivodeship). In one of the farms, turkeys fell ill in the other chickens. – We started the stage of combating the disease. A total of 50,000 will be disposed of turkeys and 270 thousand Kur-said Ewa Bień-Krzyśków, a veterinarian from the Poviat Veterinary Inspectorate in Krotoszyn. In connection with the situation, the Wielkopolska Voivode issued a regulation regarding infected and endangered areas. This means that within a radius of 3 km from the bonfires, a back -up zone was created, within a radius of 10 kilometers – threatened. The decision entails special procedures for breeders who, without the consent of a poviat veterinarian, cannot, for example, sell their poultry or buy a new one to enlarge the herd.
Appeal to breeders
The veterinarian appeals to breeders with particular caution and rigorous compliance with the recommendations of the Veterinary Inspection in the field of poultry maintenance. Breeders are recommended to use appropriate biosecurity measures to minimize the risk of transferring the influenza bird virus, including Protection of feed against access to wild animals, not feeding poultry outside buildings where animals are maintained and the use of clothing and protective footwear on the farm. Breeders should also inform about all suspicions related to the occurrence of infectious poultry disease in their farms, relevant persons and institutions: a veterinarian of private practice, an official veterinarian, head of the commune, mayor or city president.
Staying the virus is very difficult
Wild water birds, especially ducks and geese, are responsible for the spread of viral disease, especially the cause of which the virus stays in the environment and is transmitted to closer or further distances. According to the veterinarians, a man who can transfer it on shoes, clothing, equipment and cars contribute to further spreading the virus. Detachment of the virus is very difficult, which is why poultry must be struck not only in sick herds, but also in neighboring farms.
Source of the main photo: Tvn24